Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis Top Questions

Describe how Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis looks to someone who's never seen it.


This school is very community-based, with a strong emphasis on academia.


A friendly urban campus that welcomes all ages to learn.


It was the best choice for me.


The IUPUI campus is a great blend of city life with a more country setting on the campus, and they have an amazing science program.


My school, IUPUI, is a unique college. It is Indiana University and Purdue University combined. Because IUPUI is made up of two large universities, it offers a variety of degrees and programs. Many schools make up the university I attend, such as the School of Education, The Kelly School of Business, and the School of Medicine. Almost everyday, their is a campus activity taking place which vary. My school is very interested in service learning and studying abroad. I'm very happy with my choice of attending IUPUI.


It is a large school with a very diverse population and a large amount of majors.


IUPUI is a very eclectic group of adults, that are interested in making their lives better for the future.


It is like being in highschool with more freedom.


IUPUI is a nice college but does not feel like a college campus due to the lack of school spirit.


IUPUI is a very well rounded school with mulitple programs. There are many benefits of this school because of the location in downtown Indianapolis, which allows for many different activities.


IUPUI is a diverse, commuter college that is close to my home.


The campus and professors are great, but sometimes it's hard to get through some of the red tape.


A very creative lively atmosphere to learn from teachers and other art students.


A commuter campus that is striving for a real college feel and is working very hard at achieving that feel.


It was a nice contrast to the conceptual , private institution that I could not afford.


IUPUI is where you go when you don't have parents to help you go somewhere else and you don't want to work in a drive through.




IUPUI is a place where friendships will be made and memories will last a lifetime.


IUPUI is an exciting, beautiful, and incredible atmosphere to expand your mind and extend your knowledge.


commuter school, so many students, but small enough classes to get a quality education and meet close friends.