Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Iowa State University?


This school has over 30,000 people attending it. Some times it doesn't seem that way, but if you are a person who does not like large groups of people, I would suggest looking into private colleges, which seem to have smaller class sizes.


If I were to describe someone that shoudn't attend ISU I would say someone that doesn't want to put 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} towards their school work. This university some of the best students and it's not for people that are just here to party and enjoy their stay. You have to be willing to put in the hours and effort so that you can get things done on time and done the right way.


Somebody who doesn't like a lot of activity should not attend this school. There is always a lot going on and it can get pretty crazy sometimes, but that's what makes Iowa State University so much fun.


Serious acedemics, driven to achieve in their field of study or extra curricular activities.


Someone should not atten Iowa State University who does not want to work hard. Iowa State Univeristy is an insitution that requires hard work and deication so if one is not wiling to put forth that kind of effort then Iowa State University is probably not the best option for them.


A person who would not be interested in a large university should not attend Iowa State University. There are roughly 33,000 students enrolled at ISU.


A student that is not willing to go to class and complete weekly work should not attent Iowa State. Other than that anybody should be able to attend Iowa State if they are willing and capable of doing work and want to learn.


This is a silly question, and heres why: Iowa State's student body is composed of every type of person. Since my first day at Iowa State, I've been amazed at how different the students are. Everyone is welcome. Even the most selfish, introverted individuals eventually see the light thanks to the not-so-forced interaction in the dorms and/or apartments. I'm even friends with an extremely rude man, but he can't help but to be cheerful when ISU offers him something he enjoys like free ice cream or a dorm hall challenge.


I think anybody that is just at college to party should not be allowed. College is about learning for your future not skipping class to sleep. ALso just my opinion but if a older person say mid 30's is in my class as a freshman that is a bit ridiculous. The bigger four year university should make them have their under level courses already completed before they can come here.


I think someone that shouldn't attend this school is someone that isn't willing to work hard. It is a great school but you have to put in the time. Everyone else should attend! It is great, go cyclones!