Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Something that I wish I would have known before I came to school is to become involved in everything that you can. The more involved you are the more you are helping to enhance your social and acedemic life, figure out what best suits you, and add experiences to your resume.


Freshman year is going to be much easier than your remaining years. Do not let it set the bar for your last 3 years.


I wish I would have know the difficulties I faced as a transfer student. GPA's do not transfer so it was quite difficult filling out scholarship applications when I didn't have an official GPA on file. It only drove me to work harder on the semester so that once I did have a GPA at Iowa State it would be a great one but I wish I could have known so I could have prepared.


I wish I had known how to study.


Before coming to school here, I wish I would have been informed more about involvement on campus such as, Homecoming, VEISHEA, Clubs, and living in the dorms. I have noticed that some dorms are more involved and social with each other, while the dorm I live in is quiet, and not involved at all. It would have been more beneficial to know the best ways to get to know others on campus. My set goal when coming to school was get educated and meet a lot of new people, which I am continuing to do just at a slower pace.


I wish I had been reassured how awesome it was going to be! I never knew college was going to be this cool or that I would love it so much!


I wish that I had developed the capacity to act upon what I actully wanted. I think that being forced to go to high school, regardless of my feelings on high school itself, turned me into someone who seeked to please others and I lost the ability to act in a way that truly reflected what I wanted. I'm in school now and people tell me to "do what you want," and I really have no idea how to do that or even what that means.


join many clubs when you first get here (go to clubfest or look online) and get involved in leadership positions early on because it helps your resume later on.


I wish I would of known about all the hidden fees there are when it comes to registering for classes and buying books.


I wish i wouldve known how to adjust to living on my own before moving in. It took a while to get into the swing of things if you have never been idependant from your parent before college.