I dont find anything bad about my school because Jackson State University is really an awesome school.
The roaches at night! Ew! During orentation I seen this clique get attacked by flying cockroaches. I'm scared of them.
As a transfer student to Jackson State University, I would not say that there is a worst thing on the campus. I feel as though I would not change a thing about it. The classes are not crowded and parking is very coinvenient, along with everything needed to succeed with a great education from an awesome and affordable University that is well known in the south.
There are so many positive aspects of Jackson State University. However, with the good must come something bad. The worst thing about Jackson State University is the openess of the campus. Because there has been so many new buildings incorporated into this great campus, it makes it somewhat difficult for students to be mobile, especially those who may be physically disable.
I dont consider anything to be bad about my alma mater.
The worst thing about Jackson State is it's lack of job opportunities for students. Jackson State is located in the middle of a great community but there is little work for students. The only way a student can get a job is to either work for the school or own a car so they can drive to a different county for work.
I think the worst thing about my university is the neighborhood in which it is located in.
The worst thing about my school is dorm life. It wouldnt be so bad if we were all giving the opprotunity to live in a suite. The sophmore dorms are horrible. The school does not even have apartments on campus. I think that housing should step it up a little and supply the students with better living. The freshmen dorm even had mold growing in the dormitory, and it took forever to get the heating turned on during the winter.
I don't feel that Jackson State gets the federal funding it deserves. The buildings are in need of repair, many programs that are offered at larger Universities are not available at Jackson because of the cost to run them. I would like to see more opportunities for students available through Federal funding and private companies.
The worst thing about Jackson State University is the science department. Most of the graduates from Jackson State are biology majors, but the employees within the chemistry department feel like they are entitled to everything. They save all of the good scholarships for the chemistry majors, and I've been told by one chemistry teacher that since the school has so many biology majors, there was really nothing that she could do for me.
Some people judge people before they know them. The financial aid people don't take their job seriously
The worst thing about Jackson State University is the curriculum. Jackson State University is a HBCU and the curriculum doesn't allow people to be educated about the history, education, or acomplishments of african americans. As an african american attending an HBCU, I believe that this issue should be addressed and added to the curriculum. Many student chose to attend a HBCU because that want to learn about african american history and cultures; I believe Jackson State University is depriving its students of this knowledge. Adding these electives would be greatly appreciated by Jackson State University's students.
At Jackson State University, one of the worst things would have to be cafeteria. The "old union" isn't really that good. It seldomly has different foods; more so, same foods on different days. Many people still choose to eat there though; however, many also choose to eat in the other cafeteria which is better, but a little higher in cost.
The worst thing i can honestly say about this school is the registration process. You have people telling you that you are going to receive aid but when you get to school, it is a total lie. The whole financial process is not very soothing. They make you stand in lines, people telling you have to see someone else and such. it takes you about 2-6 weeks to complete and they are not very helpful in solving your problems, especially the out of state students. i would say that the biggest problem is registration.