The best thing about Jackson State University would have to be the amount of help people are willing to give you to succeed. Since this is an HBCU, everyone here is here to uplift the African-American community, and give us the necessary resources to make it. Especially in the field I am in, which is Mass Communications, the faculty are willing to help me network and make connections to get a head start in my career field. This is a school that likes to maximize each students oppurtunities.
I consider the best thing about Jackson State Univeristy, it's professors. The way the professors treat and care for us students is amazing because they put so much afford in helping us. For example, on their syllabus they tell us to put their personal phone numbers on there in case of emergencie. With that being said, I was very impressed at how much they cared about our lives and it made me appreciate them even the more. Overall, just the kindness from the professors makes them the best thing at Jackson State University.
What i consider to be the best is the size of my school. I become familar with my professers and my peers in the smaller enviorment.
The campus life is the best thing about my school. There are lots of things to get involved in from organizations,internships to parties. Everyone is freindly and helpful.
The best thing about my school is that it is a great institution to be apart of and you have great people there to help and guide you throughout your journey their. Also, their are many ddiffernt thing you can be involved in.
The best thing about my school is the fact that it is a historical black college. JSU is landmark in jackson, MS.
The best thing about my school is how much the teachers try to actually help you . I love it when i can find good teachers that care about my future when they see im trying my best!
Doesn't have a best thing
I think that they give a lot of personal attention to students and that administration and professors are easily accessible and helpful to students. I also like the smaller size after transfering from a massive school. The best attributes is the fact that every person on campus truly seems dedicated to helping you succeed in your attempt to gain an education.
The best thing about my school is that the students are eager to help underclassmen. Upperclassmen usually help freshmen with the information that they do not receive from they administration. They also help with financial aid and class information.
The best thing about my school is academics. If you are academically fine, then there are tons of activities and events that will play a huge role in your career that you can get involved in.
The best thing for me personally is the amount of extracurricular activities that are available on campus. I am an out-of-state student so moving to Mississippi was hard for me. At first I didn't like it because I was lonely, but once I began joining various social and academic organizations, as well as attending social activities like sports games, I loved it.
I think there are alot of things at my school that is so amazing. But the the one thing that I will say is our beautiful campus. Our population is 8500 undergrad students and I believe thats wonderful. Not too big nor small. We have alot of new buildings such as business, liberal arts, recreation, education, engineering, and science hall just to name a few. We have a alsome walkway on campus, student center, and gym. Even though were were founded in 1887, the campus is like being at home.
My school, Jackson State University, has a wonderful academic program. All of the instructors and tutors welcome students in the classrooms and work with them until they understand the information that is giving to them.
The Faculty student interaction.
The best thing about my school is the culture and the friendlyness of the staff and students.
The lack of academic rigor.