Jacksonville State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Jacksonville State University.


Every student has his or her own personality. Some are stuck up and snobby while others are friendly and nice. I found the people that I hang out in by a program that Jacksonville State University has called the Cohort program. I've made 3 great friends, and I did not have to go to a social event to meet them. They just showed up in my a couple of my classes.


My classmates were a diverse group, with classmates from all over the world, from all races, ethinic groups and cultural backgroups.


Most of the students are from parts of Alabama and Georgia as well as other southern states. Their are definitely racial lines at this school. Their are more females than males. Unless you are in a frat or sorority you will probably have a hard time finding a group that you fit into, the school has a few groups but does not expose them enough for them to gain interest and they usually dont last very long. The library is amazing. If you want to find something, they will have something about it.


We were supportive of each other, friends with one another, encouraging to one another.


My classmates are close friends and are very helpful.




My classmates were all very eager to learn.


My classmates were a great mix of old and young, workers and slackers, culturally diverse and quite sharp.


The students at Jacksonville State University are very attentive to their studies. The students put their studies before any other activity. Many of the students join more than one organization but handles them very well. Most students are very mature and handle situations well. The students like to help their peers if any are having trouble with their studies or anything other situation. Most are very organized and like to help teachers as well.


My classmates are goal oriented and belive in group studying.