Jacksonville State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Jacksonville State University?


Any kind of person could attend this school. No one really feels left out because there will always be a group of people you will get along with whether you guys have the same background or not


The kind of person that should attend this school is one that is looking for an affordable, well-rounded educaiton and career.


Someone who is determined to get their degree in four years, someone who likes a college in a small town, someone who is interested in health, business or criminal justice, and someone who likes to give back to their school.


A person who is focused on acheiving his education but who also wants to meet new people. We are a campus that has a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds. We work hard but we also play hard but we play clean. This is in many ways the ideal college experience


If you're looking for a college wih a friendly campus, the campus size of a public college (large size), the private class sizes (smaller than normal), and the comminuty college price (no as expensive as many universities are) than this college is right for you.


A person that is willing to come in and do their work. A student that wants to come to college to learn and not just to go out and party and hang out with friends.


Anyone interested in sports and partying on thursday nights.


Someone who wants a big school feel but does not want to attend a big school.


The type of people that should attend this school are people that are willing to learn and go further in life with their education. If you are not really to learn, you are not ready for Jacksonville State University.


Anyone can attend this school.