James Madison University Top Questions

Describe how James Madison University looks to someone who's never seen it.


A friendly atmosphere. Reminds me of high school.


Best school for finding a career, meeting friends, and growing up.


The best way to describe my school is that there is a little something for everybody: there's nationally ranked football for those that like sporting events, a well-known music program, a billion free parties on the weekend, enough social events to always be busy, an Honors program that excels students, and the town is in the middle of the Shenandoah Valley, giving students ample oppurtunities for outdoor adventures.




JMU is an awesome school where the people (from students to faculty to dining services workers to everyone else) are friendly and the atmosphere is conducive to both learning and having a great time when your studying is finished.


A place where you can learn more from the people and the atmosphere than you can from a textbook.


James Madison University is like one big community oozing with school spirit and friendliness, while still placing a great deal of importance on academics.


A bright colorful school with smiling faces and joy of life.


James Madison University was a great place to make friends and grow as a person, but did not push me academically or professionally.


Friendly, beautiful, strong academics and fun to be at.