The most frustating thing about James Madison University is the parking. For such a large campus, it is almost impossible to park. I know the University is working on the sitiuation, but for the time being it is horrible. Students try to utilize the buses, but when winter comes its a hassle to stand outside and wait 5-10 minutes for a bus. Even when a bus does come they can be over crowed.
The most frustrating thing about James Madison University is the dorms. Not all of them are equiped with Wi-Fi or air conditioning, and some of the housing is located much farther away from the heart of cmpus than others.
I think the amount of underage drinking is ridiculous. Although the drunk bus on campus is meant to keep students safe, I think that it only caters to their drinking habits.
The fact that it's not as diverse as I would like it to be. Its an almost all-white school and I feel a little out of place and uncomfortable at times.
One of the most frustrating thing about James Madison is also one of the most special. It's a relatively mid-sized school which offers students the chance to get to know a greater percentage of the population. This allows limits the amount of exposure and funding required to produce nationally recognized sports teams. We have won a national football championship, but more would be better.
everyone drinks alcohol even if they don't like it
On weekends, you either go out and drink or you don't do much. The campus is also not very diverse.
The fast expansion without thought given to the aesthetics of the campus.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the dining hall meal plan. The way the school has it set up is a disadvantage to the students. Many students lose their "punches" or meals because they do not run over to the next week if they are not used. Consquently, many students feel they ought to "get their money's worth" out of the meal plan so they gorge themselves when they eat, which leads to gaining unwanted weight.
I find it frustrating to work really hard and get extra help from my professors and put in the extra time, learn a lot, and still manage to get a below average grade. I am working ten times as hard as I did in high school and receiving far worse grades than I did in high school. I also find the girls here that have everything they ever wanted handed to them from their parents really frustrating.