Johns Hopkins University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Johns Hopkins University?


They are all nerdy Asians who sit in their room and study all day.


- Students can be hard to approach for people with non-mainstream points of view (but who is not anyways?) - People somehow all know the right places to go to find e.g. researches, advisors, volunteering opportunity, but they don't always share their info too readily. - We all respect each other's privacy, so you can be as open or shunted as you want.


1. Everyone is nerdy. 2. Everyone is going to be a doctor or at some point wanted to be a doctor and failed. 3. People are too competitive.


Everyone is a pre-med and everyone is very competitive.


We're all pre-meds who are holed up in the library w/o sunshine.


They're all pre-med. Which is and isn't true. A lot of the science and engineering kids are pre-med, but there's also a lot of International Relations and Writing Seminars kids who are nowhere near pre-med. Another stereotype is that Hopkins kids don't have much fun. That's unfortunately slightly true. Hopkins is intense, and the territory goes with it. Your idea of fun may not be researching the enzymatic reactions of certain protein receptors on a weeknight, but that's just what some kids do, and is quite common. Nevertheless, even the dorkiest/nerdiest kids (and Hopkins is full of them) find less academic routes to stress relief, including ultimate frisbee, ballroom dancing, and volunteering, to name a few.


JHU, like U Chicago, is "where fun goes to die." Supposedly, everyone here is pre-med, all our parents are doctors, and we're ridiculously competitive. Everyone not from New Jersey or Maryland is from California. Baltimore hates JHU, but we own half the city so they can't do much about it. The City Paper is staffed by Hopkins. The Hopkins Press publishes the writing teachers who otherwise would not find a publisher. Baltimore is a horrible city. Everyone here is depressed and the Counseling Center is always clogged. Student Health can do nothing for you if you're not pregnant. In certain circles, JHU kids, especially the 19-year olds, are seen as parasites on the city's real night life.


That it is very cut throat and that there is a ton of work. That students don't get along with each other and are only trying to get ahead.


Studious, competitive, antisocial.


The major stereotype about JHU is that it is where fun goes to die, and that JHU students are a bore and very competitive.