Johns Hopkins University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Johns Hopkins University?




The teacher are not supportive. They care only about students who do well and are not willing to offer extra help to students who struggle.


That it is so research oriented. Sometimes it is obviously that the professors are there for their research and don't really care about teaching. This happens less and less as professors teach courses related to their research, i.e. this happens most in general intro courses.


Very expensive!!


The student body is majorly concentrated in the sciences and business. Earth and environmental science courses are limited, and liberal art students are required to take 12 credits of science or math, which is difficult to do because of the difficulty of all the science and math courses. The Humanities and history departments are strong, but small with limited course selections.


not enough diversity, no school spirit except for lacrosse, not enough on campus housing for upperclassman, not enough places for students to get lunch,


The administrators and staff are terrible. It seems strange that with professors so brilliant and medically inclined that health and wellness asks if you smoke and then hands you condoms on your way out when you clearly have a non drug related, non sex related illness.