Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte?


Someone who is not passionate or dedicated to becoming the best they can be, it takes a lot of hardwork and dedication to learn everything your being taught here. Also, big partiers should not attend JWU, it takes a lot of time outside of class to master everything.


You shouldn't attend this school if you are someone who isn't willing to work hard for what you want, or if you are someone who likes to rebel against figures of authority. Chef's and other faculty members demand the respect that they deserve, and will hammer down on you if you don't show them that respect, but they will respect you back so it has a way of evening out.


Unprofesional and closed minded people should not attend Johnson & Wales University.




The people that should not attend JWU Charlotte are people that are regularly tardy or late for class, because we have strict attendence rules. Also, if someone does not like to follow a dress code they should not go to JWU. If they are not focused and they do not strive to learn than JWU is not the place for them.


Someone who is not going to try hard in the labs. You only get in the way of those who actually try hard. Also, those who do not want to be here. I have never understood why you would want to waste your parents or your own money, or worse, a full scholarship that you obviously do not deserve. Johnson & Wales University should be for those who are focussed and ready to work hard, not those who want everything handed to them in a hand basket.


A person who has a problem with seeing people smoke and drink.


The people that shouldn't attend this school are the ones that don't know what they want to do in life. They waste their money and then switch degrees and have to pay for an extra term. I've seen a number of people waste a great deal of money just because they are trying out college instead of having a plan or an idea of what they want to do. That is to much money to just be throwing down the drain.


People that think that they can just fly through school. The students at JWU really want to be here, we all have a passion for what we are here to learn. Weather it be culinary, baking and pastry, fashion, business or sports entertainment we all are here to learn as much are we can. I know in my opinion I don't want someone here that doesn't have the passion to do well.


Someone who doesn't like the city.