I fastly learned that I'm no longer in high school. I'm actually on my own in the world for the most part. Since being in college I've learned many things. I think the main lesson so far has been to never procrastinate, and to ALWAYS stay on top of your work. Attending Johnson & Wales University has been valuable to me not just by the lessons I've learned, but the bright future I have ahead of me here.
So far I have received from my college experience is to share the opportunity of credibility that is the most prosperous opportunity there is. Without credibility a GPA will no longer continue to enhance ones future it would be written as unrecognizable opportunity for success. An opportunity is an instrument that is honorable as the person that holds the honor. It would be disadvantageous not to mention, I attend Strayer University - North Campus in Charlotte, NC. I do not attend Johnson & Wales University. Strayer University was not listed nor was there an opportunity for it to be written in.
However there is an opportunity to recognize that Strayer University professors inculcate within its students about plagiarism which is not an opportunity. It is only short road that leads in the wrong direction. One of the most valuable opportunities is the expression of the written words. As a returning student in the field of higher learning I value the opportunity to read the written words. I had been reintroduced to one of the most admired literary character that was
Edgar Allen Pole, whom summed it so well, “What I wrote it is unnecessary to say.”
I have gotten so many different things from my college experience so far. It has made me much more outgoing, living with roommates forces you to talk to them. My roommates have actually turned out to be my best friends at college, and we do everything together. Now I can introduce myself to other students without being shy as about it. Going to college has also taught me independence. I have to do everything for myself, no one is going to wake me up for class, feed me, or tell me when to go to sleep. I learned that lesson very fast after things started to pile up at school, how much I relied on my mom back home. I have become a lot more responsible and time efficient after going to college. Although my major is baking and pastry arts I still had to take academic classes which make me a well rounded student. I am also starting a club on campus with my roommate, and I am going to be president of it. So I also feel like I am learning helpful leadership skills. My college experience has helped me realize how much life has to offer.
During my expirence at Johnson and Wales University I have learned how important it is to attend a career focused college. They teach you everything that you will need to know in your chosen profession, as well as; tips and tricks that you can use in order to rise to the top of your career field. I also feel that it is a good enviroment to help you mature to the level you need to be when you go out on your on into the real world. They also stress how important it is to remain connected with alumni and all other business connection you make while attending.
The main thing i recevied from my college experiance is not just the knowledge from the classroom and the confidence to succed but the friends. I have made friends for life, which is always great. We always help each other out, if one of us doesn't understand we all work together to figure it out. But we also like spending time with each other in and out of the classroom. Which to me its not just the education, but your friends that truly help you succeed in the world.
My college experience has taught me a great deal about the individual I am and what I want to make out of my life. In high school i realized that I did not know myself, college has allowed me to better know myself. I have developed a more outgoing personality, willing and eager to learn new things and interact with new people. I am now excited about the future, I anticipate success for myself. In school I am learning to be a better person, I have a more analytical perspective of the world, this has led me to not just want to furfill my own personal needs but also to make sure I impact the global environment around me. It is now more important to me to give to my fellow citizens of the world and not just focus on what I can recieve.
The experience I have gotten and I am currently getting out of my college is truly the best. The knowledge I acquire on a day to day basis on my college is invaluable. This is the type of knowdlege that is making me a civilized and cult being. This experience and knowledge is of the essence for aspiring professionals such as myself, and professionals all around the world.
I truly bealive that when I graduate from my college, all the students who correctly consumed that unlimited source of knowledge and me, will be invaluable assets to our employer and society itself.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is that in order to conquer a dream, I have to strive for it. I have learn that there will be obsticles to face while being on my journey towards a dream. No matter how big or difficult the challenges may be in order to get that dream, a person should never give up.
This has been a wonderful experience ! Being in college after 20 years gives me a different view of studies and about
my preparation. Meeting professors, students and now good friends has made this 6 quarters invaluable. Also all the
wide support of my college and teachers and administrative staff.
The career I chose, AA Paralegal also gives me wide knowledge so I can continue in a four year school for my BA and
then start Law School. It is very rewarding to see how everybody wants to be better and gives their best at school.
Not even with my harder classes I have regreted a moment being back in school. The invaluable knowledge that
teachers share and everything else I can learn for myself make me proud of what I do and motivate me to keep going
forward. It has also helped my sons that admire their mother that doesn't hesitate with challenging classes and does
volunteer job to learn more about the law field.
Thank you
Overall I am exceedly thankful for my college experience thus far. I know for a fact that I am one of two people in my entire family who is currently attending a four year school. My family tells me everyday to enjoy my time here and to soak up as much knowledge as i possibly can. I have learned life lessons as well as academic lessons in my field of study while attending Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte. As a fashion merchandising and retail manager major, I am allowed hands on experience in the field. I will definitely take this knowledge and apply it to my life to succeed. Johnson & Wales University granted me the opportunity to meet awesome mentors and people who have impacted me in a positive way. Despite other circumstances I can honestly say that I would not change my experience if i could.