Finding the right school for you is about firguring out what sort of environment you want to be in while you find out what it is you are going to do with your life. The sky is the limit. Your dreams are what makes you who you are. Follow those dreams! Make the most out of wherever you end up. To find the right place to start following your dreams you need to locate where you will best fit. Visit the campus. If it feels right, if you get along with the kind of people you meet, consider it more closely. Look into that school's history and reputation. Also, apply even at places you are sure would never accept you. Don't pass up a chance to go to a top notch school because you don't believe in yourself! Start to understand that with the right drive and passion, you can do anything.
For parents: If you are worried about your child going to college, give them space, but be encouraging. Let them make their decisions and begin to grow up. If you are excited to get your child out of the house as soon as possible, still show your child you care. Be supportive and show you're truly excited about this transition in life. For all other parents, help your child get started, but give that needed space as well.
For Students looking for the "right" college: If you know what you want to do, stick with it! Don't let girlfriends or boyfriends influence your choice... you'll probably break up eventually anyway (so why be at the same school with them?!). If you don't know what you want, either look into things that sound interesting or fun for you or just wait and go into college later. To all students: you may go to college thinking you know what you want to do and then change majors. It's alright! If you do, be confident in that choice.
And the main thing is to HAVE FUN! You won't be in college forever!... so take advantage of it!
Make sure that they have the programs you want and if you are transferring, make sure that a significant number of your credits will not be dropped. Also do not plan on changing your major, pick something and stick to it---for money & time's sake.
I would look for a place that is culturally different than yours even in the slightest (if you grew up in a small town look for a big city, etc.). More than that, however, look for places that will help you accomplish your goals but challenge you to question your ideals concurrently. There is no point in going into a position without having struggled through the ideals and beliefs that make you "you" - you'll only fail. There is a vast difference between an educated person and a person with an education.
Students: Find a college or university that fits you. This includes physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You will be unhappy when you do not "fit" at the college or university which you are attending. Parents: Try not to put too many restrictions on your students. It is time for them to start growing up and time for you to start letting go.
I would say that the best advice initially would be to figure out exactly what it is that would make you happy to do for the rest of your life. After you have done this, start researching how you can go about accomplishing that goal. Look for a college with the best program for the money. Don't ever rule out the thought of going beyond four years. While in undergrad, have a good social life, but do your best to limit any alcohol use, avoid drunkeness and recreational drug use. Do things that are going to benefit your future. Don't be afraid to try something new. Seek out things that interest you to see value they can add to your life. While completing your program, look for internships that are directly related to what you want to do and take them. Find out if it is what you really want to do. Don't be afraid to change your mind, just don't make a habit of it. Take your undergrad to enjoy your life in it's prime. Set yourself up for a successful future and pursue the most education you can for your field of study.
When chosing a college or university for one's education a few ideas to think about include size, learning style, career, degree programs, and cost. First, importance must be placed on size and learning style because the two go hand-in-hand. I prefer smaller class sizes because I learn better from discussions, personal contact with the professors and students, and visual aids. Most colleges have visual aids, but when the school has a larger enrollement, generally class sizes are larger and participating in discussion and personal contact are more difficult. However, if an individual learns better from lectures in visual and audible learning styles then a larger university will suit her. Second, career and degree programs also factor into a decision. Smaller colleges usually offer less programs, while larger colleges offer more. For instance, my school specializes in Ministry careers, and may not be for someone who had not decided what to do with her life. Larger Universities contain more programs and areas of study, and allow more room for those who are undecided. Lastly, cost has much importance, but should not interfere with the previous options. The right education for an individual is priceless.
To find the right college I would advise parents and students to visit a few colleges and take the tours around campus. Knowing the background of the college and what it offers your son or daughter is vital to there growth in character and stature. Pick out a school that you know they will work hard but yet still enjoy the college life and atmosphere. If you have a chance to go to a couple classes of your degree area that you want to pursue this would be the most beneficial to finding out if the teachers are enthusiatic and passionate. Also, after visiting the campus and the housing that your student might be staying in go check out the town and see what it has to offer. Does it have places to work, or eat at, or recreation to enjoy, and lastly are there places to serve at and get connected? There's that old saying you pay for what you get, and no matter what college you go to it will be expensive, but no amount of money is worth to much for your child's education.
Pray about it first and foremost and then make sure you visit the schools that you are interested in.