Keep your options open. Don't commit before you've been to each of the schools.
First of all, I would advise parents to just get out of the way when it comes to selecting a college for their child. Just be there to support your child's decision and help them get all the information they can when it comes to researching the schools they've chosen. Too often I've heard about students selecting a school or a major because their parents pressured them into it and then they are miserable or end up switching schools or majors half way through college (causing lots of problems down the line).
For students, I would suggest thinking about things like what kind of degree you want, liberal arts v. a typical degree, bachelors of science? arts? fine arts? business? Do you like individual attention? Go to a small school. Is it more important to have greek life and a huge party scene? Go to a state school. Find out what the people are like, what the professors are like, what the social life is like. Definitely visit the campus. Factors like cost and location should be lower down on the scale because if you aren't satisfied with the school itself, those things won't help.
This is a very good question!
For prospective college students, the advice I have is to visit the college. Being on the campus, meeting current students and professors, feeling the vibe he/she may get, and just checking out the facilities available on campus can really help a person decide if s/he would be comfortable there and that his/her needs are met.
Other advice is to go to a school you really want to go to. A place that makes you excited to meet the people and to get involved. Try not to go to a place JUST because of money (scholarships, price of tuition). Commonly, that is definitely a decision factor, but you should like or even love where you go. If one bases it off money, they may not make the most of their college career.
My number one piece of advice for parents is to simply allow their child to choose the school that best fits them. Yes, help with some decision factors, or throw out ideas, but try not to dominate or persuade their decision to what the parent wants because it's the child who will be experiencing the college, not the parent.
I wish I had given myself more options when applying to colleges. I passed over a few because I thought I wouldn't have a chance to get in, but really I had nothing to lose.
Make sure to visit the campus before you decide. It makes all the difference!
In choosing your college, don't go just because that's where your friends are going. That's what I did, and although it has worked out for me, it should not be a deciding factor. Keep in mind that part of college is to try new things. Take initiative-- participate in your classes and get out of your comfort zone. Participate in extracurricular activities, on-and off-campus, and you will meet people with similar interests and form connections that could last a lifetime. If you have a question in class, odds are someone else has the same question, so don't be afraid to ask! Speaking up and making your views known will make you stand out to your professors (and your peers!), which leads to good bonds, engaging discussions (in and out of classes), and eventually, great recommendations for jobs and/or graduate school. Get to know your professors. If you need help in a class, don't be afraid to ask for help-- even if you feel like your troubles are "stupid," professors are always glad to see their students taking initiative and showing that they care.
Make no mistake, selecting the right college is one of the toughest decisions you may ever encounter, but it will also be one of the most exciting. My decision was between Michigan State University, a huge state university, and Kalamazoo College, a small liberal arts college many people have never even heard of. I had my room assignment ready and orientation dates set for Michigan State, but then I changed my mind and decided to go to Kalamazoo College. Why? Well, I started to think about how I fit in as a person at each school and which school would help give me the best future. I think it is a great idea to think about what is it you want to do with your life and then decide which school will help you mature and prepare you best to achieve your goals. Another important thing to remember to do is stay involved with activities around campus because you never know who you will meet or where it may lead you. In short, it is most important to look at yourself first and then decide which school fits you. Big-name universities are not the best option for everyone.
The advice that I would give to parents and students about finding the right college is to start early. The earlier you start, the more you can learn about the different schools you are looking at. Choosing the right school for you is a very important decision and the more knowledge you haev about your choices, the more informed decision you are able to make. You want the decsision to be both confident and educated. That being said, I think that is important to choose the school that fits you best. Meaning, choose the school that seems to have the best academic as well as social environment for you. College can be a difficult experience if you make a quick and uninformed choice. Do your homework. As far as making the most of your experience once you find the right school, it is important to know that after you have found the school that fits your needs, that the social life will likely be abundant, but it is important to be strong in your studies. Have fun, learn alot and college will provide you with insight and knowledge and experiences that will stay with you forever. Good luck.
Do your homework and make sure to visit the schools interested in. Make sure you talk to the students who will be more likely to tell you how things really are.
I think one of the most important things to think about when choosing a college is the size and environment of the campus. It will make so much more of a difference in your experience than you may think. Really think about if you want a small, medium, of big school. Also what kind of campus community you want. There are very different feelings among campuses that are only undergrads versus universities with grad programs too. Apply to lots of schools if you can . Keep your options open. If you are considering a school of a specialized degree such as fine art, consider both traditional art schools as well as universities that have an art program as part of a BA program too. Research what the best programs are at each college. Pick the one that is strong in your interests.