Kansas City Art Institute Top Questions

Describe how Kansas City Art Institute looks to someone who's never seen it.


My school is amazingly perfect in every way for me because it describes my own career based plans for the future.


Kcai is fun, future conscious, agressive, and friendly; you'll never feel like you're away from home, the community spirit is amazing.


The Graphic Design is isolated from the rest of the school and is business oriented and focused while the Rest of the other majors are somewhat unrealistic and disconnected from the rest of the world.


There is guidence but no one will tell you what to do, you MUST THINK FOR YOUR SELF and formulate your OWN OPINIONS about art and the world around you. it is "very punk rock" as they say.


Get up every morning, and get to work.


studio intensive and less spending outside of studio


Small Art school, emphasis on creativity and production, realises importance of acadamics, fun activities like drag show/political debates ect, very liberal, very diverse, trying to be greener (hard for some traditional art practices), very expensive but worth the money because you are exposed to so many new and unique ideas, nice green campus (landscaping), art everywhere, in big bustling city, not too dangerous, people who don't know who they are or what they want to do drop out quickly.