Kansas State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Kansas State University accurate?


There is a huge Greek Community, but you can get along just fine not being a part of it. Most of the campus is overwhemingly preppy looking, but everyone is very friendly. I've yet to meet someone at K-State who wouldn't help you if you needed it. And surprisingly the student body is more liberal than you would expect. Everyone's political opinions are welcome there.


yes to some degree


Not really, there are some students some small towns or from the country, but there are also many big city students as well.


Absolutely not!


Nope! We have a wide variety of students with many different ethnic backgrounds




K-State is one of the premiere ag schools in the nation so it's understandable where the stereotype comes from, but it is completely false. There are some cowboys on campus, but I'd guarantee there are cowboys on every campus.


The first one is true we do have a really great student population! The second is definitely not true! We have a fairly diverse student population especially between students from small towns and large ones.


No! People from all over the U.S. and world attend K-State. There are tons of different majors to choose from.


All stereotypes are generalizations. Every stereotype stems from some aspect of truth, and though not everyone falls completely under any one stereotype everyone shares some commonalities with one stereotype of another. So, are they accurate? No. But they are worth paying attention to.