I probably brag about our football and men's basketball team the most just because I am a huge sports fan, but the fact that several of the majors offfered at Kansas State are ranked in the top ten in the nation is something that I can't ignore either and I make a point to talk about. This is especially true for me because my major, Kinesiology, happens to be one of them.
the job placement after graduation. Good Food, wonderful instructors/
First off I make sure that they know we have the best mascot in the U.S. After I have finished making that point, I don't hesitate to tell them that those on the K-state campus are like a second family to me. I came home for the summer break, and after being here only a week I was ready to go back. I missed the friendly and helpful atmosphere a lot more then I thought I would.
I tell friends how friendly the people are on campus, about the great activities on campus, how much fun it is to live on campus, and how great the classes and teachers are.
They have the best Interior Design program in the country.
I brag about the 'small town' feel. It is a Division 1 University and it feels like you're learning right next door to home. The classes are big but the professors make you feel like you are in a small classroom and being taught one on one. Going from a small high school to this big university, I figured would be an awful change but it has turned out to be a great one. I brag so much about how I genuinely love going to class because I feel like it is JUST for me.
When I am enlighting other peers about the wonderful Kansas State University, I find myself expressing true joy I get from overwellming supply acidemic help that is made avaliable to all students. This support does not only come from the professers, but the many free tutors, departmental efforts, programs, and more than welling fellow students and peers that make it a better enviroment for every student achive and sucessed their goals.
K-State is a big university with a small town atmosphere. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. Walking around on campus makes the level of school spirit very obvious! We are all K-State Proud! I am in the College of Engineering, which is one of the top ABET certified programs in the United States
The people are so nice, if you dont know where you are going, just ask, and they will give you directions on how to get there. The College of Ag has an open door policy, all of the insturctors have set office hours, but if their door is open you are more than welcome to stop by and grab a piece of candy or even have a chat.
The community that we share with our neighbors and the relationships we form are unmatched.