I am currently attending the Salina, KS branch of K-State and because we are a smaller town we have fewer students attending the college than say Manhattan's K-State. Because of this there is very little campus life and the school sometimes seems to be vacant and lifeless. Also the main degree offered at K-State Salina is an Aviation degree. This typically leaves students who come to the school to acquire general education classes feeling somewhat out of place and left out.
The worst thing about my school is the recent increase in the number of stuedents in each classroom. Due to budget cuts, the school has combined classes causing them to be extremely full. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to get the one-on-one help that is needed for students to be successful.
I decided not to pledge a fraternity when I got to college. I don't regret that in retrospect, it just isn't for me. There are plenty of of ways to get involved and tons of things to do even if you're not in a Fraternity/Sorority, but there are some events exclusive to those groups. A lot of the family days on campus as well as Fall Homecoming are heavy sponsored and revolved around the greek system. If you don't go Greek then those events lose a lot of their appeal.
To say that my school has a "worst quality" for me personally would require me to really stretch an answer. I absolutely love Kansas State and have completely enjoyed my experience thus far. From dorm life, to intramurals, to my classwork, every part of the college experience has made me love this school to its fullest extent. There is no part that I would ever consider changing because it makes up everything that Kansas State is and why I love it here.
I wish there was more diversity
Undergrad: The lack of resourcses for arts students.
Graduate (Emerson College): The commute. Be sure to get the monthy T-pass through the school for a discount.
It would have to be location. I'm an avid hiker and backpacker, unfortunatly there are not many places in this area of Kansas that offer much of a challenge with hiking or backpacking. My future career will be in outdoor recreation hospitality and owning my own outdoor equipment store and the oppertunites for jobs and internships are zero for my area of study because of the location of the university. Yet this gives me the oppertunity to travel to a summer job in Idaho and internship in outdoor recreation locations around the world which satisfies my hunger to travel.
It is two hours away from my perminant address.
The size of the campus can be very isolating. KSU has a few very strong, demanding programs (Architecture and Veterinary Medicine come to mind) that seem to pretty much take over your life - people outside the program will never see you again. Fraternities and sororities are their own little worlds. Minority ethnic and religious groups tend to clump together for safety and comfort. There's a wide variety of students at Kansas State, but it's very hard to meet people from across the spectrum.
Can't really think of anything specific that sets our campus apart from others.