We are all country bumpkins.
We are all farmers or come from farming families
We have no culture
We are all Republican
Agriculture, cows, hicks, boots, cowboys
There is a stereotype that all K-State students are hicks from the farm and everyone wears tight Wranglers and big belt buckles.
Great People! Very down to earth and friendly campus. Have also heard people who don't know anything about K-State say that all of the students are 'hicks'
That we all grew up on farms.
Just a bunch of farmers attend K-State.
Everyone's major is agriculture.
Basically, the main stereotypes come from either the different majors, or the Greek system. Stereotypes exist for Every major. I was an art major. The stereotype for an art major was that of, well, a hippie type person. Trying not to "fit in" and so doing fitting into their stereo type. There is a stereotype for Engeneering majors, a stereotype for computer science majors, a stereotype for kinesiology and athletic training majors, a stereo type for English majors, a stereotype for philosophy majors, a stereotype for Architecture majors, etc. Though these are stereotypes (generalizations), all stereotypes stem from some element of truth. Paying attention to these stereotypes, while not giving an accurate picture, will key you into some aspect of what life in that major may be like or involve. Stereo types involving the Greek system really only fall into two major categories: The "sorority girl" and "frat boy". Both of these are considered negative stereotypes by many (Greek and non-greek alike). The stereotype of the "sorority girl" is that of a shallow, self-obsessed, very superficial personality focussed on looking "cute" first, pleasing others and maintaining their reputation second, and school third. There or more severe stereotypes linked with specific sororities that will remain unnamed that include the discription of "easy" or as the term "sorostitute" implies, sleeping with anyone who shows interest. The "frat boy" stereotype is that of a pretty-boy or a heavy partier. This reputation is well earned, as in most Fraternities you will find an ample supply of alcohol and empty alcohol containers fashioned into useful things such as the beer-can-couch, or the beer-can-Christmas tree, or the far less useful, beer-can-statue. As with soroties, there are a few Fraternities that have earned the reputation of being full of womanizers or predators. As is the case with sororities, there are several houses that break these molds and carry a very good reputation. That's pretty much it for the main stereotypes at K-State.
All farmers or agriculture people
All Republicans and/or conservatively driven
That we're all hicks and listen to only country music. Football is the only important sport and we don't care about basketball.