Kansas State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Kansas State University?


Kansas State University is truly a great institution, but the greatest disatisfaction that I have had here as a student has been talking with financial aid because sometimes it is unclear what exactly you need to due for certain scholarships, when aid is dispersed, when fees are due, and who you need to contact with questions you have regarding your aid.


The cost to go there.


I WISH we had a shuttle/bus system in town!


The advising counselors. There are a few great ones, but some just don't care.


Being able to do everything! There is so much to do here. Being organized is key and your schedule is your lifeline.




Some weekends, a lot of people will go home and it can be boring when that happens.


The most frustrating thing about KSU is the lack of quality academic advising. Advisors are assigned too many students to provide quality help to each individual.


Everyone, ok- not everyone, but a lot of students are just agriculture majors which is completely gainst my lifestyle. There aren't many people on this campus who share my views on a lot of subjects and there aren't enough people who share my work ethic toward school either. I also don't enjoy that the school is located in a tiny little town.


Being able to make up work due to medical problems