I would say that the best part about going to K-State Salina is the personal level available between students and faculty. Because we are a smaller college the student faculty ratio is very close and the instructors really have time to focus on individuals. Most students are comfortable enough to be on a first name basis with their instructors.
People complain that Palmer College of Chiropractic isn't teaching us everything we need to know. I on the otherhand, disagree. Palmer teaches us exactly what we need to know to survive in the outside world. This alone would not be adequate. They also, provide us with every opportunity to advance ourselves, through those extra seminars and books, and excel instead of just surviving. I believe a school can only carry a student so far. It is at that time that the student must put in the extra effort to become excellent.
The atmosphere is very relaxed. Everyone is friendly or minds their own business. There isn't constant commotion which would drive me crazy.
I believe the best thing about K-State is that once again the community is very small and welcoming. When I was a freshman I felt that the other students and the faculty were all here to help me be successful.
Undergrad: The theatre teachers are very helpful and friendly. I'm still on good terms witih many of them!
Graduate: The small classes and understanding teachers. I feel like I can say my opinion without my grade being in jeopardy.
I think one of the best things about my school is that it's really friendly. Manhattan in general is a really friendly town! You can walk onto the campus not knowing anyone and people will usually say, "Hey!" or just help you if you're lost. There are also tons of majors to choose from, and the Christian college is right across the street, so it's great to be able to take a few classes there too.
The openess and funess of the school. Everyone is so outgoing and friendly! I believe this is one of the best campuses in the nation. Everything about it good and bad is wonderful.
I love the campus environment/buildings and that it is so close to Tuttle Creek. I have met some really amazing people and have had many opportunities come about because I attend K-State.
The enjoy the variety of classes offered and all of the extra-curricular activities.
Willie the Wildcat.