Keene State College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Well to most that go there is known as a party school. There is lots of parties and drinking, but in my opinion you choose to do that you do not have to. I was involved in the dance team and I did go to parties but there were many night that I spent not going out. Though it is known as a party school to most who go there.


Keene is best known for its small-town setting. With mountains, beautiful fall foliage, and a welcoming campus environment. Keene comes to mind when I think of home, as the campus is small and it does not take long to put a face to everyone. Keene is also known for its Education and Psychology departments.


My school is best known for its education and nutrition majors. Teaching is the most popular major but nutrition is rapidly growing this year.


I've always know Keene State College for its Education Program, which is what I'm here for. It's also a great Arts and Performance College