Kent State University at Ashtabula Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Kent State University at Ashtabula? Why?


I consider the worst things about my school is the time spent in classes. I want my classes longer so I can learn more in one class period.


It is small and doesn't offer some of the same things that a large university campus would; as the Kent main campus does. As such, it has no housing and very few teachers. All these things aren't necessarily a bad thing but they can be at times.


The majority of the Math Professor staff. I have encountered classes with several of the Math professors and have been less than satisfied with their performance and teaching methods. I did however come across one exceptional teacher who was then let go because of a change in Core Math classes, being moved to online.




It doesn't have daycare!


The worst thing about my school is the availability of classes. For exaple the Spanish intro course is only offered once a year and if you don't take it that semester you have to wait another year.