Kent State University at Kent Top Questions

Describe how Kent State University at Kent looks to someone who's never seen it.


It is a very nice school that provides everything needed to maximize learning.


Kent State is an incredibly diverse school with a very welcoming environtment and wonderful, knowledgeable instructors.


Kent State is passionate University that is willing to do whatever it takes to help their students achieve excellence.


Kent State, particularly the Stark regional campus, is an open-minded and diverse institution that recognizes the extreme variations in its students and works hard to help each individual succeed.


KSU is a friendly place where everyone is welcome to join, share, learn from other, and teach others. It is a tolerant, democratic place.


A place that pushes you to excel in your education and be involved


Kent State University is a college where I am accepted, included in extracurriculars, and not bullied.


Small, but diverse and liberal campus.


Kent is a respected institution that prides itself on academic excellence.


My school is a large state college that encompasses a blend of unique students that pursure their interests with passion and spirit that is contagious to anyone who walks onto our campus.


I attend a school that offers challenging and rewarding classes for my major and provides me with oppertunities to succeed in my future career.


My school is an orchestrated chaotic loving family bringing people from different backgrouds of ethnicity and location together as one.


My school is beautiful, and I love to be on campus. I wouldnt rather be anywhere else.


KSU is a very great school with great professors are very good and understanding and willing to listen to the students and the housing is very good and the food on campus is good as well.


Kent State offers a wide variety of college programs and provides students with opportunity to explore themselves while exploring the camups and town.


Kent State University is dedicated to making college a fun, memorable, and beneficial experience for students of all ages, genders, and races.


A large school that wants to make students pay more and more for tuition.


Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, the largest city in the county by population, is a diverse, multicultural university that has a great variety of entertainment, food, nightlife, shopping as well as family-friendly events, scenery and history.


Kent State University is a tight-knit family that looks out for one another and is interested in the lives and academic success of each member.


Describing Kent State in one sentence is not difficult at all to do. Kent State is a very enthusiac and very supportive school for incoming freshman.