The classes and professors are fair and willing to be accommodating even if they don't have to be. I will admit the classes can be difficult though that's probably just me.
We have a lot to offer at Kent State. There are a ton of majors and it continues to keep growing with academics.
The acedemics are awesome. The professors really take time out to explain what needs to be done and are there to assist their students.
The academics can be quite challenging and a big transition for incoming freshmen. In order to be successful studying is a necessity.
Since my first semester at Kent State, I have been very happy with my classes. Most of my professors are very friendly and try their best to learn their student's names. They also tend to be very passionate about the subject they teach which makes it very easy to connect with them and learn! My only issue with the academics are the requirements for majors/minors. As a zoology major, I am interested in learning about biology and zoology, topics and such that I will need to know in the future. The department, however, makes zoology majors take intensive math and chemistry courses that divert our focus from the actual courses useful to us for our field of study.
I know all my professors names, they are more like coworkers, in this very professional environment. Studio courses are very one on one and helpful. Students are very competitive. The academic requirements are very challenging for the Architecture program but very rewarding at the same time.
There are many classes that are small enough and concentrated enough that professors will learn students' names. However, lecture hall classes are unlikely to have connections with professors due to sheer size, unless a student attends office hours.
My favorite class is Political Thought. The professor is very engaged and intelligent, and fuels a constant debate about the topics we study. My least favorite class is Political Methods, an upper division statisitics course.
Students study on a fairly daily basis, depending on the difficulty of courses and the confidence in the material. The library is always open, and many academic support groups exist to help with exams.
Class participation is very common, and many professors require students to participate to earn points in the class.
Students often have a variety of intellectual conversations outside of class, on a variety of topics.
Students are competitive, but only on an inter-personal basis. There is no feeling of competitive pressure to be the very best.
The most unique class I've taken is Political Methods. All the exams and lectures are fueled by debate of texts of past and modern political thinkers.
My major is Political Science. We have a broad and expansive department with a variety of topics to learn. Our professors and dedicated, and very bright thinkers.
I have not spent much time with my professors outside of class. as I am overly busy with my schedule.
I feel that the academic requirements are fairly standard for a university.
I feel that this last question varies depending on the department, but overall I feel that the university is geared toward higher learning, and the general intent of continuing on to a graduate school following our tenure here.
I am majoring in Entrepreneurship. I am very satisfied with the business department and its success. I like that Kent State offers you the option to be a part of a learning community. I am a part of ACE(A Community of Entrepreneurs). Each course and instructor is different. You never get the same learning experience from two different proffessors. The proffessors have done a well job with preparing me so far. I feel like all the professors will become personal with you. They don't mind having a short chat after class and you can always visit the during office hours or send them an e-mail. My favorite class so far has been the Intro. to Sociology. The education here is geared towards getting a job and also towards learning for your own sake; it's really up to you what you want to do and get out of your education.
The academics at my school are strong in some areas and weak in other areas.
The academics at my school are strong in some areas and weak in others.
The majority of my professors know my name and remember me even after I am not in their class anymore. They are generally available for individual consultations and most make sure their students understand the material. I, personally, loved my wood shop classes and I would take them again in a heartbeat, if I had time. Depending on your major and the type of studier you are will explain how much time you need to devote to studying. I have friends that study for hours a day and I have friends that study 20 minutes before their tests. The majority of students I have been around are not too competitive and they try to help each other out whenever possible. I am an interior design major and I love my classes and the projects definitely challenge me. Teachers and my classmates try to help bring out my creativity and they push me to think outside of the box. I got very close to a handful of my professors and they still have my back a few years later. Kent has classes for personal gain and interest as well as life classes that can help you with your jobs, resumes, and interviews.
The majority of my professors know my name and remember me even after I am not in their class anymore. They are generally available for individual consultations and most make sure their students understand the material. I, personally, loved my wood shop classes and I would take them again in a heartbeat, if I had time. Depending on your major and the type of studier you are will explain how much time you need to devote to studying. I have friends that study for hours a day and I have friends that study 20 minutes before their tests. The majority of students I have been around are not too competitive and they try to help each other out whenever possible. I am an interior design major and I love my classes and the projects definitely challenge me. Teachers and my classmates try to help bring out my creativity and they push me to think outside of the box. I got very close to a handful of my professors and they still have my back a few years later. Kent has classes for personal gain and interest as well as life classes that can help you with your jobs, resumes, and interviews.
In the beginning of your schooling, you will have mostly lecture courses which could have anywhere from 100-500 people in them. Although it may be overwhelming at first, I have grown to love them, professors make an effort to make their lectures interesting. One of the best parts about academics is that it is actually hard to schedule friday classes, I KNOW AWESOME. Be prepared to study 2x the amount of time you are in class, take this seriously because professors expect you to know the material. Definitely take 7 ideas that shook the universe, it's an intro to physics class and Professor Barrack relates all the information back to the real world uses, Kent is known for this course.
I think the professors are interested in teaching and actually want us to learn! I'm impressed!
In my department the professors know you by name and may even go out for a beer with you after class. For most departments though, this is pretty unheard of. Most departments at Kent are more about learning for its own sake rather than anything that is even close to an applicable and practical job skill. It is very much so a liberal arts university.
Kent is known for it's Fashion Design Program, Education Program, and Journalism Program throughout the world. We are one of the top 200 Universities in the world as well! Although some of the general classes are large there is a still a lot of participation with clickers. There increase participation by using a remote to participate in class. I am a Special Education Major and the program is challenging. However, I know that I am learning everything I need to know to become a successful educator. I feel that Kent State has academic requirements that many people are able to meet. It is not too easy and not too difficult. We have several world wide professors that teach at Kent State and anyone who goes here should be proud to be a Golden Flash!