The most frustrating thing about school for me is definitely the cost, but I do not think that is something exclusive to Kent. Something about Kent exclusively that bothers me is the weather and how the campus handles it. It was once -18 Degrees Farenheit and yet classes were not cancelled, and the only way a lot of the sidewalks are plowed is by students feet as they walk over the snow.
The most frustrating thing about Kent State is parking. If you get to campus early enough there will always be parking; however if your class is at noon good luck finding a parking spot.
The meal plans, at the end of every semester if there is money left on your account you either have to buy a bunch of random items or you loose that money. It should be that you can choose an exact dollar amount that you want to put on your plan for the semester, and if you don't use it all it is either refunded or is carried over to the next semester.
The Wind Tunnels. Our campus was built inbetween wind tunnels so when it is cold your face is getting ripped apart by win, tears are coming out of you eyes and you just want to turn around and go back into your dorm where it is warm.
The only thing that has been a tad bit frustrating at Kent State University would have to be walking in the cold weather! It can get pretty cold and icy, and lots of people, including me, have slipped on the sidewalks. However, in Ohio, I think this frustration is practically impossible to pass up, considering this cold and icy weather is a fact that Kent State University cannot really change. Although sidewalks can be relatively slippery at times, Kent State will cancel classes when it is super bad and generally does a pretty decent job at cleaning up the sidewalks.
The wind! Our campus is built so that wind comes through the campus and it is so cold during the winter when trying to walk to class. People are sometimes crying from walking across campus because the school's wind is so cold and so uncomfortable.
The most frustrating trait is the police on campus. It seems as though they will do anything to ruin any fun. I understand if it is chaos, but most of the events they shut down are just innocent dancing parties.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the fact that it is in Kent, Ohio. It is a charming town, but it is not ideal for the fashion industry. I would love to have an internship during the academic year, but it is impossible to find a design internship that is under an hour away. There is also only one fabric store, located twenty minutes away from campus. The Fashion School is good at helping to provide resources, but there simply is not enough variety in Kent and the surrounding areas. This can make creating interesting projects very difficult.
The most frustrating thing about Kent is how some of th eprgrams only look at a gpa to determine if you get in or not.To me it's completely biased and unfair.For my nursing major Kent is the best school for nursing but it only look at the grades. There are numerous students that have the passion and drive and skills to be a nurse but many are rejected for not having a high gpa.
The most frustrating thing about my school is theres really nothing to do
I do not have any frustrations with Kent yet!
I get slightly frustrated with some of the students in my classes who do not take their education very seriously. Education has always been my top priority and I know I have a bright future ahead of me because I have dedicated so much time and effort into doing well. Most of the students are in class because they HAVE to, not because they are eager to learn and pave the way to a successful future.
The most frustrating thing about my school is a common problem that you would find at any school: finding friends similar to you. When I first moved on campus, it was hard for me to find friends with similar traits and beliefs. A lot of people at Kent State University party: they get drunk or use drugs to have fun, which I do not. After a few weeks, I found friends that are like me in the trait of they find natural happiness. It's frustrating for incoming freshman to find their spot on campus.
The internet works! The only thing is having to log-into it everytime you leave a building. Until they get that fixed along with the fact air-conditioning is not in all of the dorms yet, campus is perfect in my eyes.
Finding the time to do everything.
They are not very upfront with the amount due at all times it switched many times.
I can barly afford to go right now and I would really like to.
The most frustrating thing about Kent State is that classes fill up very fast. Since so many students are interested in Kent, and class space is limited, the amount of time it takes for a class to fill up is not long at all. Other than that, there are not any issues with the school as far as one can tell.
The most frustrating thing about Kent State is it feels like they are sucking me dry of my money. Even worse than that is the commuter time at the Hub. The students that live on campus are not allowed to use their meal plan from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. That's incredibly the most frustrating thing to deal with after getting out of class at noon.