Kent State University at Kent Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


To join a sorority as soon as I possibly could instead of waiting


Not everyone you meet is going to be your best friend.


I don`t know


This school is very spread out. There are places on campus that I have yet to visit or find


I wish I would have known more about all of the great programs there are such as our connection to other universities and field work.


I wish i was told how important time management is. I also came to school, a little stressed about how classes would go, its not as bad as it is made to seem. I wish someone would have told me how it's must like high school, only harsh thing is that if you stay on campus you have to get yourself to go to class because no one cares if you do or dont make it.


Before attending Kent State University, I would have liked to have been more knowledgable about the benefits of attending a university that is out-of-state. I am a Pennsylvania resident and I was nervous about branching out to a different state. I am so delighted with my decision and being in a new area has helped me grow as a student. I believe it would benefit High-School students to reach outside of their comfort zone and attend schools that are a distance away from their home town. I am a stronger person today because of it!


I wish I had known more about diffrent housing options, and more information about my program.


Before I came to this school I wish I would have known what actually living in a dorm was like. Living in a dorm is like living with a community of people. If not for living in this community I wouldn't have otherwise met some very good friends of mine. Another thing I wish I could have told myself would be to join a lot of clubs. Clubs are a great way to meet other students who are like minded. Finally, I would tell myself that going off to college is a great experience.


I wish I would have known the area better, on and off campus. The downtown area is so nice and I wish I could have taken advantage of it earlier than I did. On campus, I did not know about all of the places you could eat and where everything was located. Also, I wish I would have known about all of the organization you can get involved in.


I wish that I would have been more aware of how expensive college can really be.


I wish I had known how small the dorm are because I would have chosen a single room, rather than having a roommate. Also, there have been some personal experiences that were uncomfortable in regards to race.


I wish that I had worked harder on my grades so that when I finally reached college, I would have understood the higher education process.


I wish I had known that I would have wanted to go to the main campus first before going to a regional one. My mind would have been much more open to experiences.


I wish I knew the importance of studying. In high school I did not have to study as hard to get good grades, but in my first semester of college I found that I had no excuse to not study. I have all the resourses to study, and many people to help me understand material. I wish I knew all the resourses I had before I started school so I could have did better my first semester.


Overall practical skills, like personal finance skills.


I wish that I would have known how far the distance to walk to my classes from my dorm would be. When I visited, I was a completely different major than I am today. Therefore, I had no idea what was in store for me, as I had to walk all the way across campus to get to my classes. However, I did learn that a bike is a very effective way of getting around.


I wish I would have realized how important reading the textbook ahead of the lecture and using it as a study tool.


I wish I would have known the Kent State was the best university to attend for those majoring in Physical Education and Health Education. The faculty are leaders in the field. When selecting a place of study, many people make their decisions based on friends, family, location, or other reasons. People should make their decisions based on meeting with the faculty and absorbing themselves within the campus culture. I feel lucky that I made the decision to go to Kent State for my M.Ed. and Ph.D. for Health Education and Promotion based on those reasons.


I researched this school so I knew all I needed to know. I am a non-traditional student who works full-time and is married so the campus life doesn't really apply to me. My husband graduated from Kent State in 1983 so I know am familiar with the old campus and all the improvements made to the campus as well.