Kentucky State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


KSU is probably best known for their band. We have an awesome band that keeps everyone excited during football and basketball season!


Kentucky Stare is best known for being the first African American College in the state of Kentucky. What an accoplishment that must of been. Kentucky State is now a diverse University. People from all over the United States and beyond are pround to call Kentucky State University thier Alma Mater


KSU is a school that is known for many things. I came to KSU because it was a great opportunity for me to follow my dreams of becoming a nurse. Ever since I started thinking about college, I have heard KSU had an excellent nursing program.


My school is best known for it's cultural values. Being one of the most historically known African-American univeristies in the country, it's values are still solely based on so. Also for the diversity as far as ethnicity. From the staff to the students, it's a pleasure to be exposed to different ethnic types and not confined to not so diverse college community.


Kentucky State Universtiy is a school for educated African Americans who want to learn and better themselves. My school is also known for the awesome band we have and the good sportsman ship and attitude we put forth.


Our school is best known in the community for its agricultural department . Amongst the students, the highlight of campus is the marching band at the football games and the pep band at the basketball games.


K-State is a Historically Black University.


Being an HBCU.




It's band, education program and nursing program.