Kentucky State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Kentucky State University!


Kentucky State is the second closest HBCU to my home. Although it's locatd in a small city, the surrounding colleges come together to form a large social network. It does a really good job of providing financial aid, and the ethnic diversity shines.


The diversity of KSU, a Historical Black College.


Kentucky State University has a small campus enviroment. With only a litttle over 2,800 students we have a very close knit family like enviroment which makes Ketucky State University feels very homey. We have an 18/1 student to teacher ratio so students do recieve that extra 1 on 1 with their professor if they need it, and they know you by face and name. A lot of big universities don't offer that, thus making KSU very unique.


A smal school filled with big city people. The school and the community are separated


Our school is unique compared to other schools because it is the only HBCU in Kentucky.


My school is an HBCU but it is the moost diverse of all the HBCU's that I was considering.


My school is very unique because, even though we are a HBCU, everyone here gets along well enough to be considered family like. My school is truly the home away from home.


HIstorically black school, near home.