Kentucky State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Kentucky State University?


Class expetations


The campus is very diverse. There are a lot of interesting people and the class sizes are small so you get to know everyone and your instructers very well.


I tell my friends that on weekend night everybody meets at the flagpole so we can play a campus wide game of hide-n-seek

some country don't have to worry about friend relationship ...that 's ok


The passion, concern, and willingness of the instuctors to help with your success. The smallness of the classes. I have alread received one degree from this school and I am working on my second. My decision to return was an easy one to make.


my family because i love them soooo much and how i want to achieve sooo much and becaome a social work to help different people.


When i talk to my friends i mostly brag about the fun i have and all of our school spirit. We alo have a great band who has been to the Honda Battle of the Bands.


That it is a HBCU. Aslo that it smaller that other school and that a person is just not a number teacher and staff know your name.


The 5year master degree program for the business majors. It allows business majors to follow a schedule and receive there master degree in five years.


I like the Student Life Department because they have awesome events and really host activites the student body really enjoys.