Kentucky State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


the true meaning of study time.


I wish I would have known the lack of student body involvement. Most people don't participate in school activities or with supporting their peer iin their events like i expected. I wish I would have known all the rules there would be for numerous things. For instance, no scarves in the work out room or anywhere else on campus, no coming out of your dorm hall with pajamas on, your company no matter what sex has to be out of your room by a curfew.


Nothing, what I brought to the university, and learn while I was here was all that was needed. To come in with a mind of knowing to much or thinking I knew it all would have never allowed me to learn all that I did.


I would have liked to have known how unorganized the financial aide system is.


That the price was so high, no scholarship oppurtuinties, and the horrible living conditions.


How bad the organization from financial aid was and, how much of a run around it is to do anything on this campus




I wish I would have known that it cost so much for out of state students.


I wish I would have known how to get around better when I first started. A good idea would to be have people assigned the first week on campus, maybe wearing a certain shirt, that way you know to approach them for help finding your classses.


propably the type of individuals and where the majority of them are from: michigan, ohio, etc... The size of the campus as well as the student envolvment being involved with one-another.