Don't be afraid. You're going to meet so many people and experience so many new things that will stay with you the rest of your life. I know it's been rough, it looks like all of your supposed "best friends" are leaving you, but at college you're going to find friends who will be there for you know matter what. You're going to meet your best friend, your sister, at a pool table, and your life will never be the same. Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself, people will try to make you feel inferior, but your not. You're just as smart as they are, and it's ok to ask questions. That's how you learn, no one knows everything. Just work hard and you'll do well in your classes and don't be afraid of what happens. You don't know this now but you can have a social life, and do well in classes. Speak up, stand up for yourself, be yourself, and most important: Never ever be afraid.
make sure you study hard for your ACT. Also take your freshmen year the most serious so you dont dig your self in a hole.
The biggest piece of advice I could give myself would be to not worry so much about what people think of me. In high school I was very shy adn I decided that in college I wouldn't be that way. However, it took me a little bit to come completely out of my shell, but when I did it was awesome. I am now the president of our student ambassador program and I speak at many of our admissions events. I love the confident person that I have become!
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to live on campus at least the first semester, maybe even year. I would tell myself to get involved with campus life and not worry so much about dating and being with someone. The first year of college can make you or break you. Don't put your self in the library all the time, make sure you make time for fun, but do worry about your grades. The first year to me seemed to be the most critical because you are setting the tracks for the rest of your life. It's important to show up to class, pay attention, ask questions. The first year of college after all is the first step to the rest of your life.
While I took quite a few AP and dual-credit courses, and did get college credit for them, if I could go back to high school, I would take advantage of that opportunity even more. My high school had an incredibly strong program to help students receive credit for college. I would have taken more AP exams for the all of the AP courses I was taking. I would have also studied more for the exams themselves. On one or two of the exams I did take, I didn’t study enough for them, and ultimately taking the exam was a waste. I came into my college with almost 30 credits from high school. I was qualified as a sophomore and that status allowed me to take upper level courses. Also, because many of my credits took care of general education requirements, I was able to focuses on taking multiple courses that applied directly to my major. My credits have given me freedom in my schedule and a huge advantage academically at school. So, my only advice to my high school self would be to enjoy my time there, but focus on my future and take advantage of my opportunities.
In high school I pretty much had everything set on what I wanted to do. I would tell myself looking at all I been through in college is to stay focus and make yourself happy. You can't please everyonebut yourself and you have to worry about your own life and not what others want from you or what they think.
I would tell myself that the world is in my hands; to remember that I am responsible for my own destiny and that I am capable of accomplishing all the things I hope to. I have been out of High school for eight years this year, and in those years I have gone through many life changes and acquired much wisdom. One particular piece of wisdom that has changed my outlook on the world, and its obstacles, is a quote by Randy Pausch.
"The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
That single piece of wisdom changed my life, and helped me find my way back to the course, that is currently leading me towards the future I want and deserve. It is this piece of advice that I would give to myself; I feel that remembering this, alone, would give me the ability keep going - especially when things gone tough; to climb those brick walls and remember the bounty that waits on the other side, is only there for those willing to work for it.
Take a more active role in your life and get things done so that you are prepared for how active you must be in college. It is important to develop good study strategies. It is also important to develop a good social life and be able to quickly make friends with everyone because college is all about connections.
The very first set of advice I would give myself would be that you don't have to follow your friends to college. I picked a school that I barely knew anybody at-and now I have been able to make new, amazing friends that I will cherish for life. Branching out is a positive idea, don't be a follower! Also, I would tell myself to definitely be a part of the college. Join clubs and organizations! I am involved in three different groups and I love them all. I have been able to meet more people and become more well-rounded.
Stay true to yourself. People aren't always what they seem. A smile and kindness at first can be a trick to lure you in. The advice you always recieve in high school about not listening to gossip, don't ignore it. Rumors can become true once you start to believe them, you can lose yourself in the lies. Keep close to your family, it's easy to lose them once you have moved away. Grow and experience new things and rewards. Don't punish yourself for a B on a test, react to it. React to everything in college. If you fall off track it really isn't hard to get back on. The biggest lesson I have learned is that you can't do everything by yourself. You need someone there to talk to, to cry, laugh, and have fun with. Find true friends, true friends keeps you true to youreslf.