Kenyon College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kenyon College?


That we are smart, interested in learning and quirky enough that we don't mind going off to college in the middle of nowhere in Gambier, Ohio.


They're hipsters/cerebral/outdoorsy.


I have heard several stereotypes mentioned, most of them apply to all "private liberal artsy" colleges. That people there are all rich and preppy, that a lot of people are only accepted because they are generation students or because their families donate a lot, that there is a lot of drug usage, that people drink a lot, that people don't study, that people study too much, that there is not a lot of diversity, that it is a "New IVY" and has a huge swollen head about it.


it's hard to stereotype because the campus is so diverse (in terms of personalities, not race). At my previous college (Reed in Portland OR) the student body was so homogeneous that the term "reedie" had a specific meaning, whereas at Kenyon there is nothing like "kenyonite" because the term would make no sense when there is no prototypical kenyon personality traits.


Kenyon is one of if not the most beautiful campus anywhere, on a sunny spring day. The faculty is brilliant and are eager to work with and help students on anything. The current dean of students (Tammy Goscial) is a total b****. She doesn't seem to be in tune with the students at all. Everyone is very friendly and smart. There is almost no exclusivity. There is a stereotype that Kenyon girls are ugly and that the people can be sort of quirky.


That Kenyon is a very politically active campus.


-Very liberal, but not as liberal as Oberlin students -snotty rich kids -uniformed, we live in a bubble -very intellectual sometimes to an obnoxious degree -drink a lot


Those stereotypes seem to be in the middle of an evolution of sorts. There seems to be this nostalgic notion of the Kenyon that was, the quirky but smart, rich but modest, fun as hell but studious and passionate - replaced by smart, wealthy, immodest, workhardplayhard jerks of today's hyper-competitive college admissions atmosphere.


I think the ridiculously high tuition at Kenyon College leads to the conception that Kenyon students have feelings of entitlement; our pretty, secluded campus does spoil us quite a bit. And of course the majority of us are Obama-supporting left-leaners, which I think is par for the course at a small liberal arts college.


Intellects, Hippies, Preppy Kids, Smart Kids, Fuck-Ups