Kenyon College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kenyon College know before they start?


Each college has its own unique defining characteristis that make that school special. It is important to speak with the students at a potential college choice in a laid back atmosphere inorder to learn the most about the school. Experiences vary from school to school and it is very important to know what collegiate experience you would like to have inorder to find the best school for you. Although the academic experience of college is important, it is not only factor that should be taken into consideration when choosing a school. If the campus life outside academics is not appealing you could loose a significant part of the college experience.


Visit all of the school you are interested in and stay over night, also, apply to lot's of schools and try to visit them all. The more options the better you will feel, and the less likely you will be stuck going somewhere you don't want to,




To parents, I would say to trust your child's judgement. Encourage them to explore their opportunities, but know that ultimately they, and not their college, will determine the quality of their education. To students, I would remind you that the right college for you coming out of high school may not be the right college for you four years later: that's okay, and in fact can be preferable as a sign of growth and change. Take advantage of the opportunities and people around you, explore the unexplored, and ultimately, trust yourself.


The most important aspect to the college search is visiting the campus and talking to students. It?s easy to tell after an over-night visit if the student will feel comfortable at the school. Also ask current students whatever questions you might have on your mind - you'll get a better, more honest answer from them than you would an admissions brochure! Sitting in on a class is also really important because it shows you what an average class is like: the setting, how students and professors interact, as well as how much work is expected on a daily basis. As for making the most of your college experience, I would urge students to be OPEN TO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! Throw all your previous judgments about certain people or ideas or food out the window and engage them! I have befriended students from Nepal and New York and have learned so much from them in the process. Be open to the fact that learning in college doesn?t stop and that life outside the classroom is just as important as the lectures inside the classroom. Embrace and uncover everything your college has to offer and it will embrace you.


It's really not that big a deal


College visits and overnights are a must!


If possible, visit your top choice schools before deciding. Depending on the individual, atmosphere can determines how happy and comfortable you will be at college. Talk to some students at your favorite colleges and determine whether you have common interests and attitudes about the purpose of education as well as other aspects of college life. Consider whether the college setting is bigger or smaller than what you were looking for, and determine whether any discrepancy here might be a problem, or whether you have changed your expectations after seeing how awesome the campus is. Remember, people are very flexible, and chances are there's more than one college that will give you a wonderful experience.


There are many times you will find yourself choosing a college or choosing among colleges where you really don't know all about it, and where you won't be able to predict how much (or how little!) you might like it. That's ok. In my experience there are any number of places in this country that can make students happy and so don't frustrate yourself with thinking that you must find the one perfect college out there for you. It doesn't exist. Rather, there are many many good matches... and you will probably find some of those based on your research and your gut!


The most important piece of advice that I can give to prospective students is to begin the college search with some soul-searching and reflection. As Socrates said, "Know thyself." When I was in high school, I was an excellent student, and I felt pressure from peers, teachers, and college counselors to aim for a well-known school. However, the more I researched colleges and universities, the more I realized that a small liberal arts college would be a better fit for my personality, interests, and temperament. I wanted a college where I would have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of academic disciplines, be able to explore outside interests such as theater and music, and have a close relationship with professors and fellow students-- all things that might not have been possible at a big-name university. However, for a student with a clear career path, or a student who likes anonymity, a big-name university might be the better choice. Nobody can tell you what is best for you except you. Choose the college that you feel is right for you; you'll be the one living with your choice for the next four years.