no racial problems
much diversity great international experience
financially everyone is middle class it seems. which is comfortable.
politicallly very active campus and it makes u think
interactions are there though internationals end up sticking together
The student body is very open minded. No one should feel out of place at Knox, because everyone is able to find their own nitch. There are still cliques, but they aren't as exclusive or hostile as they were in high school, for example. Everyone is very open-minded and nice. A lot of students are politically active and protesting and debating about issues is common.
It's very easy to interact with many different types of people at Knox. However, if you were sitting in the caf you would definitely notice that all the Beta guys sit together, the Sig Chi guys sit together, the TKE guys, etc. It's not as obvious with the sororities most time, but occassionaly you can spot a table of Deltas or Pi Phis, etc. But it's impossible not to know someone with a different religion, economic status, or just general view of life than you have. It helps to broaden the mind, I think.
Before coming Knox, everyone in Knox faculty, students, everyone, they told me it was really diverse. They don't know what diverse means. People here are pretty ignorant. Well, as someone that carries the definition of globalization, I would say anyone that stayed and lived in one place (such as United States) can be considered ignorant. Oh, I don't blame them. If you live in one place all your fucking life, the whole fucking world is gonna be that certain place. But for us, multicultural people, the world is too big. So I guess Knox should stop promoting diversity as part of their education. Before coming here I thought I was going to be surrounded by international students (as it is in Macalester), however, I am surrounded by a sea of white people. Nothing against white people, but talking about stereotypes, white people are known for being ignorant. They say they are not racist, oh, I disagree, Institutional racism is predominating in Knox They don't show it, but you can feel it. Knox is heaven for LGBT and everyone accepts them. Economic classes do not really conflict (there's nowhere to spend money in Galesburg anyways). Most of Knox students are little birds, that were pressured by their parents all their lives, in an attempt to keep them "innocent", and when they come to college, these little birds experience "the real world". So what happens? They loose control. Many of Knox students were either home-schooled, when to a all-girl highschool, never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, and not to mention their virginity. They go through what me and my friends went through 7 years ago, when we were 12. Yeah I know, United States is sheltered. People here grow up slower than in other places. Americans deny this fact. Well, I guess you, that never lived anywhere else, don't sound like someone that should have an opinion about this, do you? I am not saying that this makes us better, but I am saying, we experience things before than most Americans do. So, if you are one of those, one those people that never had a boy/girlfriend, never had true friendship, or you just socially awkward, welcome to Knox. This is the place for you. In Knox you will find your friends, and if you get lucky, you will get laid as well. But be careful, Knox is full of drama kings/queens. As I told you, remember the first time your girlfriend broke up with you? How much it hurt? As mentioned above, people here just started tasting the world. So for those that consider themselves experienced and socially apt, go somewhere else. For those of you that are nerds, like anime, socially-awkward, or people just don't consider you normal, again, WELCOME TO KNOX, you will feel this place like heaven.
There are a lot of liberals at Knox, but most of them aren't as liberal as they think they are. As a result, Republicans often feel out of place. I would say people who are focused on money and appearence will have difficulty fitting in.
Knox's student body is overall weird. I say this, because I know I am weird. Little quirks and funny/dorky characteristics lie within each person. I love it and I have made some of the best friends!
We are intellectually open while at the same time engaged towards higher goals. We are cooperative more than we are competitive. Greek life is perhaps the largest visible divide among students, however the level of involvement within any particular house varies widely, and all parties and events are open to everyone. I would be surprised if there was any one Greek student here who did not have friends who were not Greek, and vice versa.
I have encountered the type of student at Knox that should feel out of place and it was extremely bizarre that at Knox I would find such a student. At a college founded by abolitionists that bolsters a heavy tie to Abraham Lincoln, they type of student that would feel out of place would be some that is racist. Racism is something that is not tolerated at Knox. Students that subscribe to those types of ideologies should feel immediately unwelcome at Knox College. For most students it is incomprehensible that those types of ideals would be held by someone that is a student at Knox.
A large percentage of the student body comes from the outcast high school student role, so there are a bunch of "oddballs" here. That said, the typical, popular high school prep would probably feel incredibly out of place here.
Another type of student who would probably not be comfortable here are Republicans. Knox is very much a liberal, left wing school so Republicans are definitely in the minority.
This is an extremely diverse campus. There are students from all over the world and from every race you could think of. This is not a problem, in fact, it is a strength of the campus. Everyone seems to get a long. The only real division might be between athletes and students not in sports, but this is not a big problem and there is still a lot of interaction between the two groups. Students come from all financial backgrounds also because Knox is great about financial aid.