La Roche College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


You need more food than what you think for in your dorm, especially with all the late nights as a design major. Snacks and drinks, and lots of them.


This may not sound too original, but I would simply choose to adopt a healthier life style early on in life, which entails multiple things, including good, nutritious food, drinking plenty of water, getting adequate amount of sleep, and being organized about my living space, actions, and thoughts. In addition, healthy lifestyle includes intellectual and emotional aspects of one's being, meaning being mindful of one's thoughts patterns and continually seeking education and self-improvement. This may sound like a lot, but once you get the system going, life becomes so much easier, richer, happier, better.


Most people on La Roche's Campus commute to school. I too was a commuter, so I am not personally familiar with too many on-campus activities. I made many friends at La Roche, but won't necessiarly stay in touch with them. You really only get to know people who are in the same major as you- espically if you do not live on campus. La Roche is small and intimate, and there is NO drinking on campus.


I regret the fact I didnt reay chec out the schoo for myself. Yes I did go on a tour but it definitey isnt what i expected. I lied it at first the then I began to have so many social problems that led to my enviormental issues. I hadn't realized that it cost almost $30,000 to attend, not to mention I'm out of state. I believe I went cause my mom woudve been so proud. The way the people are and how they interact I don't adapt to much. I haven't really been happy.


I wish that I had signed up for more activities, and participated in them because as the year went on there were less and less activities available.


I wish I would have known how much diverse it actually was, it completely shocked me when I first came up here to see all the different types of people that were here and how open and friendly they were to branching out and meeting new people.


I wish i had known the about the parking situation for commuters.


That the school has severe money problems which makes them often raise tution, fines, and makes them resistant to providing materials that are neccisary for my major.


that everyone was way more worried about the international students than the ones from around the area.