If I could go back in time to talk to myself while I was in my last year of highschool I would tell myself that it is extremley important to prioritize. Yes having a good time is part of being in college, but when you have finals coming up and you have yet to study you will regret going out when you could have been studying. Set dates that you have to have papers or work done by. If you set the dates and abide by them, you will not be as stressed when your due dates are right around the corner. Transitioning to college, you will not have anyone watching over your shoulder. No one will be there telling you that you have to do this or do that, you will be responsible for all the things that have to be done. Along with setting dates for schoolwork to be done, also set dates for payments that you have to make. Setting the dates will help you manage your time, your life, and help you be on top of everything important that is to come your way while you are in college.
I would have applied for more scholarships. I would have also taken more AP courses as well. I did not realize how beneficial both are to college. I feel that I was well prepared for college but, it would have been nice to go having more credits. I would have also told my high school self about going in with a major I can do anything with is very important.
Don't lock yourself into a major. I attended an engineering school only to find that I wanted greater variety. So, as great as a school looks, don't be afraid to ask questions to the current students, look around and think about being there for four years, but remember that it is only four years. Last night my mother said to me that now is the time in my life to go out on a limb and try something new. If that means moving to California and going to a school there, so be it. Adults with careers don't just pick up and move. The opportunity is in front of me, so go ahead and take it. I would also say, be a little braver. High school was tough and college will be tough too, but for different reasons. Just don't be afraid of the changes and challenges. And again, go ahead and change your mind five or six times about what you will study. Very few 18 year olds can picture their life clearly twenty years from now.
Last year as a high school senior I was already taking college courses as a post-secondary student so I felt like I was well prepared for this years classes. I would have told myself to remember to stick to who I am and always try my hardest. College is a lot about tranistions and meeting new people. I would tell myself to be social and become involved in many clubs and activites and meet new people but I would still need to remember to make time for studying for finals. I would also like to tell myself to push myself as far as I can in order to achieve my goals.
I think the biggest advice I would give to myself as a high school senior would be to put myself out there more and try new things and to be more open-minded. Over the course of this year, I think that has gradually happened, but if I'd have known that before, and if I had had that confidence in myself from the start, I think my entire first year of college would have been different. Not being so self-concious probably would have let me enjoy this past year more, as opposed to always worrying about what people thought of me. Coming to a school where no one knows you, means you have a fresh start and you can start where ever you want to. I made the mistake of not letting go of my high school self, which was always so worried and stressed and taking things too seriously. It is important to be serious and mature at times, but sometimes you just need to let go and have some fun and make friends and just relax.
I would advise myself to explore what make you happy not neccessarily money or income. Seek out every day as a awesome opportunity to make a difference in the world. Realize that you have to stay on the right path in which, includes balancing fun with your studies. I would say to keep feeding your self-esteem and look at problems as positive challenges and struggles as
merely bumps on the road.
Always stay in touch with the people that support you for the right reasons, for example, your family and close friends. Keep a unbreakable foundation by never stop believing and know and live out your christian faith.
Remember that the choices you make know do matter and they will come back to affect you in your present life. Be accountable
for not only your success but also your failures. Tell yourself you learn more out of failures than you do if everything went "smooth" all the time.
Save money because books are extremely expensive. Keep contact with advisors and good people in the financial aid office.
If I were to go back and talk to myself I would tell myself to be more outgoing, study even harder, and get faster. I wish I would have been more outgoing freshman. I was a very shy person and hardly anyone knew who I was. Once I changed that, I could not walk to class without seeing ten people who knew who I was. Being outgoing will help you make many friends and make college much more interesting. Even though I have a 3.56 GPA, I want to be considered the best. Studying even more could have changed that 3.5 to a 3.7 or higher. The thing I always have wanted to do the most was get faster for football. It is the one thing i regret most, because with my height (6'4") speed could change everything at my position. I wish I would have started lifting a lot heavier on my lower body and trained to get faster a lot earlier, because now it is too late.
I had never had to work hard through my whole high school career, i got by easy without studying especially my senior year. I didnt study much, i spent more time hanging with my friends then i did working on projects and when i did do the projects they were finished last minute. I never really had good study skills throughout my senior years of high school. Well, now that i have seen what college is like i realize that i am going to have to work hard to keep my grades up and start on papers and projects much sooner and prepare better. I am going to have to work hard to develop better studying skills then what i did in high school. So ,in conclusion, i wish i would have been a more diligent student more consistently thoughout my high school career but especially my senior year.
Some advice that I would give to myself would to be more dedicated to my schoolwork and classes. Being an athlete I took advantage of the system and my teachers. I disliked school very much but excelled in sports and thats how I got to where I am today. Without sports I would have never gotten as far as I have today. The end of my senior year I actually started to take school more seriously and boosted my GPA up just enough to get into Lake Erie College. I owe alot of my success to my Head Highschool football coach becasue he really opened up my eyes to what I could be in life and how successful I could be.