Lambuth University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Lambuth University? Why?


The dorms and on campus apartments. They are very run down, little attention is paid to complaints or problems with the dorms or on campus apartments. And it is very expensive to live on campus.


The financial aid dilemma. There is no efficiency or organization.


It is not the most commuter friendly


it's a small school, & sometimes feels like a repeat of highschool. although it is nice that everybody knows everybody, that also means that word travels fast & everybody knows everything; a.k.a. the "lambuthsphere." at this point in time (2008 & 2009 school year) lambuth is having a lot of financial difficulties, so the school is making a lot of cuts to save money, in sports, acidemics, food, housng, etc. therefore right now is a very unstable time to be at lambuth. hopefully the economic problems will be worked out soon.


The availabiilty of courses. In such a small a small school, some courses are only offered once a year, every other year. This creates problems when it's time to graduate and you have to wait around to take certain courses. Also, the financial aid and business offices are not the friendliest, nor the most helpful.


its too small, after one year i already know everyone on campus, & i feel as if i cannot moved forward in school or life like i want w/o having more students involved.