Lancaster Bible College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lancaster Bible College know before they start?


Stop trying to find yourself. Life is about becoming. Find good study partners and go the extra mile to be helpful to them. If you get something before they do, spend some time helping them to grasp the concept. Teaching someone else will vastly improve your understanding of the subject, more so than if you focus on learning it yourself. Besides, you never know when you will need a set of notes from someone who does a good job at it. Also, avoid bad company (hard drug addicts, party people - they will distract you and give you nothing in return - , extremely antisocial people).


Prepare for the essays. I would also warn myself about the difficultly of transistioning from life at home to college. Keep studying hard, and focus on your faith more. Keep Christ as your center.


I would tell myself that community college is good start and to save all the money you can because Arizona Christian University is a really expensive school. Follow your dreams and goals and becoming a nail tech is the best thing you could have done to maintain a good job while in phoenix. It is initally a tough transition no matter how old you are but remember family is always there where you need it. Don't procrastinate ever its a bad idea. Being an Elememtary school teacher will be tough but rewarding when you get down to it. You dont always have to know what you want to be wen you go into college.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself, first and foremost, to NOT procrastinate as much as I did. Being in college now makes me realize how important scheduling my time is. Also, I would tell myself to apply myself and my knowledge more. In college, I'm realizing how much I can do and I never was able to do that in high school but now I can exceed my own expectations in college.


I would reccomend taking jump start classes. I went to a small private college and could not take college prep classes. I would tell myself to take as many college courses as I could before I came to LBC and paid their price for gen. ed. classes, even if it meant a year at a community college.


Grace, let God work. Stop fighting Him, trust Him. You are going to meet some amazing people at school. They love you and want to be there for you, so let them. Pay attention to the work you do and do it to the best of your ability, you will use it in the future, trust me. Your professors are incredible people who will pour into your life. Enjoy this expirience, it goes faster than you think. Just remember what you are here for, to get an education, to grow closer to Christ and become who He needs you to be. Be open to His leadings and teachings. Never forsake your daily time with Him, it's priceless. You will learn a lot about yourself in the next few years, change what you dont like, and praise God for what you do. You are going to meet an amazing guy, his name is Stephen. He wont be the easiest to love sometimes, but choose love him unconditonally. At this point, you dont know what will happen, but trust God and let Stephen lead. Above all, in growing closer to God, swallow your pride, live for others and live for Christ.


Learn how to write papers at a college level. Also the biggest thing is time management. Know when to do work and sacrifice social time.


I would say that I should work on being more socialable and helpful to my fellow high school classmates. I should not be as intensely focused on academics as I am because part of the college experience is to be socialable. I would definitely tell my high school self that I need to start working on taking more responsibility for my actions instead of always rely on my parents for meals or even wake me up. It is a huge responsibility to be able to interact with those in higher authority yourself than have others interact your authority for you. Working on making ends meet in any conflict is another way that will help mature my high school self for my college self. These are the transitions I would advise my high school self.


Dear Sarah, College can be a big change. One of the things that you can do to prepare yourself is to ask what do I want to be in the next year? What are the changes or growth I need to make to be the person that I want to be? As much as you dream that college will change you to who you want to be, you will still be the same person, have the same quirks and struggles. Sure, you will change from who you were in high school, but growth won't happen unless you make the effort. So go ahead and start making the transition now to who you want to be. If there are relationships you want to keep from high school and beyond, be intentional about them. If there are habits you want to make or break, start now. Growth just doesn't happen just because you go to college, but because you make the effort to change wherever you are. Your years at college can make or break who you want to be as a person. I'm eager for your growth and change to college! the college student, Sarah


If I had the opportunity to know then what I know now, maybe my life would be a little different. I would tell myself that the junior college in town isn't so bad. It's the perfect transition from high school to a major university because the classes are small, the professors are approachable, and the campus is familiar, making the college experience go smoothly. Maybe then I wouldn't have wasted my time arguing with my parents over not wanting to stay in town for two years. I would’ve told myself that I’m not too good for a junior college, I also would’ve mentioned that several people who left for a major university have already returned to town and have enrolled in the junior college because they weren’t ready for a university quite yet. The main thing I would've told myself is to not worry so much,