Lander University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Lander University!


fun teachers and students


I attended Lander's online program and it was great and unique. I could go to school and take care of my two children and my husband and that was very important to me. So going to school while at home was a key factor in which school I chose and also it was an instate school with a great reputation as well.


How involed and upfront the staff are with students and their unwillingness to give up any cause that may aid a student. The interactiveness of former and current students and their hand in helping along the next generation of alumni.


Lander Is basically based on fine arts, the classrooms are small giving you a better aim at talking to your professors one on one. I really like Lander, its the college for me.


The school is located in a small town. There are not a lot of distractions and everything is within reach. The classes are small and professors are friendly.


I would have to say that once again our school size is what makes us unique from other schools.


It is in the middle of nowhere. Lots of farms, trees, and bugs.