dont pick to many classes. dont stretch yourself out too thin! you should also save up more money for books. that is one expense that most incoming college student dont factor in. i have payed $200 for one book for one class! if i knew how much books alone would cost i woul dhave saved more and applied for more scholarships
That in highschool certain aspects of school, and life in general, may not seem very important to the future. Turns out that a lot of those things are very important. The best plan is to do your best in everything, because you never know when a new oppurtunity might show up.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would stick to my decidion to go to a community college first. I am paying for school myself and it makes it really hard sometimes for me to keep up with payments. So far I have been working part time and going to school full time just to keep up with everything, I couldn't even imagine having the bill be three times as much right from the start! I know that if I would have chosen to go to a university right away I would have had to take out huge loans and would be paying them off years after I graduated and I knew that was not what I wanted. We are supposed to be going to college to get a better education so that we can have the better careers but what is the point of having a well paying job if you are going to be paying off your college loans the rest of your life? I do plan to transfer to a university next year, but I beleive, that going to the community college first helped me handle my money better.
I would tell myself to focus more on school work and study more than what I did. Also, to think about either going to a 2 yr college or 4 yr college. Because sometimes I wish I started out at a 4 yr university instead of coming to LCC.
I would tell myself to take advantage of my high school years by not taking for granted. My education would come first and I would always do my homework and study hard. I would always try to get on the honors society since that looks good a resume` and a college application. I would also attend classes everyday. I would reject getting involved with in crowd. I wouldn't care how anyone would tease or harass me. My education would take me somewhere one day. This is all that would matter to me.
I would make a point to reiterate how the mistakes that you make in the past such as skipping school, getting suspended, teenage pregnancy, and teenage drug abuse. These irrational behaviors contribute to high school dropouts.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste".
I would tell myself to buckle down pull all 4.0s school is important and either get grants for college or find student loans.
Making decisions for my future is hard I find myself in the shoes of an adult but still feel like a child. Since I did so poorly on my ACT my chances for going to a more prestigious college are slim. What education I receive will determine what job I have in the future.
What I would emphasize the most is the importance of your ACT score and GPA. College and high school are different atmospheres but what is important to understand is the change involved between the two. Change is always occurring throughout one?s life but the transition between high school and college is crucial. Crucial because of the responsibilities and decisions you have to make regarding your future. This creates more pressure because you are viewed and expected to act like an adult. One encounters more peer pressure and adult like responsibility when entering college. The juggle between work and classes increase in pressure. The college you choose affects your future. College does not have a structured format like high school so procrastination can become a temptation. Some professors push their opinions so your own perspective and opinion is being put to the test.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself many things about college. The first thing I would tell myself is "go to college immediately!" Before I went to college I was working as a welder and was continually getting laid off. I would tell myself that the field I was getting into was not one that would do well for much longer. The second thing I would tell myself is that college is a great experience where I will learn many things that will help make me a more rounded individual. Another thing that I would tell myself is to pay more attention in math class so I don't have to study for the college placement test for such a long time. Their are many more things that I would tell myself but these three seem to be the most important.