Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-Seattle Top Questions

What should every freshman at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-Seattle know before they start?


In high school I never thought about the future. I wanted to graduate, be on my own out of my parents house,making my own decisions and not have to answer to anyone. If I could go back I would be sure to enjoy life more at that age. Learn more and stay focused in school. I joined the military after trying the collede thing and not liking it. I served for 6 years, got out and was a stay at home mom. As my children got older I realized that I am now at a certain age and I have nothing to show for it. I still had my education benefits for the military and so I decided to go back to school to get a degree to hopefully find a career to supoort my family. Now here I was 14 years later going back into the classroom and it was nervewrecking. I forgot everythign I learned in school and this environment was all to new too me. I have to learn how to write English papers, type, Math all over again. But the big picture is a even better future for my family and some satisfaction for me.


In high school, I wasn't prepared for life at all. I'd made many mistakes and was continually caught up in being angry. I remember my friends being called to the counselor's offices to talk about their futures, what colleges they'd like to attend. I wasn't called to anywhere except for Detention Hall. As my senior year loomed on the horizon, I became scared and irrational, not doing anything productive for my future. Here's what I'd say: Susie, sweetheart... you don't have to know what you want to do with the rest of your life, not today, at least. Find your passion, figure out what you like doing and surround yourself with people who will love and support you. An education is so important, whether it's through a college or university, a trade school or just surrounding yourself among what excites you. This education will take you from the sadness you feel now to a feeling of complete exhiliration when you start studying the one thing that gets your heart beating. Finally, my dear sweet high school self, settle down, your time will come, I promise.