Le Moyne-Owen College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Le Moyne-Owen College know before they start?


I feel that a person should make the most of there college years, because those years are very precious moments that will be remembered for the rest of your life.


Parents and students really need to look into the academic aspect of a school and not the name or party status. Parents need to make sure that the school is not that far from home where their child is not able to come home for a weekend to take a break from school. Students need to make sure that they are doing more studying then partying. Students need to remember that that is what weekends are for. Don?t fall into the peer pressure, it is not worth it. Friends will come and go, but your education will keep you stable. Before parents make that long trip out just to see their child, call them first. Remember college living is to get them ready for living on their own and the real world. Parents are not always going to be there. So, students have fun take advantage of being on your own, but don?t forget why they went to college. Parents need to be patient. The first year is the hardest, but their child will come back around. I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and taking the time out to start this college fund. Thank You.


Parents should let your child attend the school that will nurture and mold your child into someone GREAT! Please send your child to a school that is not more focused on academics, and make sure that school had a strong department for what ever your child plans to major in. Yes your child needs to make the most of their college experience, but making the most out of it doesnt mean going to get side tracked. So send your child to a school that cares, because I KNOW there is at lease ONE college that does care whether or not I make my goals reality!!!