Lebanon Valley College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Lebanon Valley College?

Is Lebanon Valley College a good school?

What is Lebanon Valley College known for?


I don't know where to start! I am so happy here at Lebanon Valley College! I am comfortable here, I feel safe here, I love the people here, and I really cannot see myself anywhere else! I wake up every morning here, and I see the campus always looking beautiful, I witness smiles and hear hellos from the staff, and I am sourrounded by students who seem eager to learn yet are eager to have a great college experience. There is always something to do at LVC whether it is going to cheer on one of our many sports teams, or listen to a concert, or even take trips to places close-by thanks to opportunities the college has to offer. The friendly faces of staff and other students is also always very welcoming here at Lebanon Valley College. Such a great place! :)


I absolutely love LVC. I feel like I am getting a really good education for the amount of money I'm paying. The social life is a little bland at times but that's not the fault of the college. There is always something to do on campus but many students prefer to hang out with their friends in the dorms. The best thing about the school is our academics. Each of our programs is top notch and the personal attention I receive is really helpful. The advisors are great and I feel like my professors really care about how I'm doing. It would be nice if the campus was a tad bit bigger. Sometimes it's annoying that you know pretty much everyone in a class but on the other hand, it makes group projects a lot easier! Sometimes I feel like I'm not necessarily getting a true "college" experience just because the town of Annville is so small. The residents and businesses are very open to the students and the local restaurants often offer deals for LVC students. You'll learn to love Chinese food, ice cream, and pizza! The size of the school is a little small socially just because everyone knows each other and each other's business. There are cliques but it is different from high school in that the cliques interact and people aren't rude. Yeah you have your jocks, stoners, geeks, and music kids but we all get along. I always get positive reactions when I say I go to LVC. Our school has a great reputation in the community as well as with employers.


I love LVC! The best part by far is how I can walk anywhere on campus and know that I will recognize almost every face I see. When I tell people I go to Lebanon Valley, it is usually held in high regard because LVC is known for academics. My favorite place to hang out while at school is in the quad playing frisbee or catch with friends.


The overall reaction of Lebanon Valley is that it is a very positive school that is also challenging academically. We have many programs that are tough for students, but when you tell someone for example that you are in the LVC Physical Therapy program they seem to have a very strong respect for that fact!! I feel that our campus is just right for the student who doesn't want to get lost in the shuffle. Each student is unique and a special part of the campus and there is no skipping class and not being noticed :)