Lee University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Lee University?


the most beautiful campus in the south


I brag that it is a beautiful campus very inviting and free. I also talk about how it is a christina collge where those who have strong religious views can express it without outside judgement. i also brag about how diverse we are because we get students from all over the world to come and study here. But best of all I brag that the school is in a loving town that is perfect for anyone who is really focused on their studies and it makes it so much safer.


I always have to bring up the amazing community and the ethnic diversity here. It's so awesome having so many friends from so many other countries! And the social life is amazing! Next I usually bring up the great classes, especially those with professors that I like. I also brag a lot about all the various clubs, intramurals, and intercollegiate athletic events. Lee has an amazing sports program, and it's always good to watch. Finally, I talk about the great spiritual atmosphere and how getting to know Christ is a primary emphasis.