Lesley University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lesley University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior, the first thing I would tell myself is to stop goofing around and apply for as many scholarships as possible! It's hard to excel in college with a constant weight on your shoulders of not knowing how you?re going to afford it. I would tell myself to make sure and join clubs and extracurricular activities. College life is very hard to get through alone. Friends are a big part of college. I would tell myself not to be shy and jump in but also not to be out with friends all the time. You are paying for college unlike high school where you take it for granted. You are paying for these classes and you really need to focus and take time on your work. One of the most important things that I would stress to myself is to not procrastinate! Get your work done as soon as possible. If you wait till the last minute, not only will it not be the best work because you were rushed but also you don't need that extra stress laying on you.


I am torn because in many ways I wish would have told my high school self how important a college education would be. I wish I could known how many jobs I would have to work that offered little or no advancment opportunites, poor compensation and did not fill my soul. However, I suspect my high school self would not have listened because at that age I was full of hopes, dreams, and I felt I knew so much about life. My high school self would have simply gone through the motions of school never really owning the the knowledge. Yes I would have had a degree but would it have really meant the same thing it means to me now. As a returning adult student I bring my life expereinces. I am a focused and driven student. I know where I have been and know the path I want to be on. I feel that this long journey to becoming a teacher will serve to make me a better teacher than I would have been had I gone to college straight out of high school.


The unique experience of talking to oneself in the past is not something I'd waste. High School Senior Self and I would go out to eat somewhere nice and talk for a very long time. I'd be happy to answer his questions (assuming the new knowledge wouldn't dramatically change our future). In the event that he was just too speechless about my apperance, I?d still have a few things to impart. I would tell my High School Senior Self to start applying for scholarships soon because there won't be as many available during his year off. I'd tell him to stay on top of paperwork even though it's scary and not to worry about the acclamation process (luckily, he won't be the most nervous person there). I'd tell him to pack long before he has to leave. I?d tell him to be friendly once he was there, because everyone else is just looking for a friendly person. I?d tell him not to count on a full night?s sleep and tell him to be as involved as he can be in every class he?s in. And: "Have fun.?


For me, this question is especially significant because if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have a lot of helpful advice for myself. Senior year of high school is famous for being one of the most important years of one's educational life. It is filled with important decisions to be made, and many of us are taught that if we make the "wrong" desicion, the consequences are immense and cannot be altered. Although I was fortunate enough to have plenty of aids in the college process throughout my senior year of high school, great amounts of my final decision were based on some factors that now I know are fairly insiginificant. Looking back, I based my decision on more surfaced things such as closeness to home, size of dorm rooms, how close I would be to high school friends, etc. As a college transfer student who was not happy with my initial decision, I now know that the most important factor in college is my education, and my success rate within a college, and that even if mistakes are made in deciding, regretting gets one nowhere in life.


If I could go back in time to tell my high school self a thing or two, I would start by exclaiming, "Lesley University has a time machine!" Then, in all seriousness, I would tell myself that college is not all fun and games--but not to worry, there is plenty of that, too. It's a tricky balancing act between getting the work done and still being able to drink from the fountain of campus activities. There is always something going on, so you'll never, ever be bored. Getting to bed and waking up on time is a challenge--you will probably sleep through several classes before you get the hang of it. But as long as you try your best to keep up you'll come out with your grades intact. Remember, it's more about the experience then the grades. You didn't take out an exorbitant college loan just to bury your head in books all day--you want to meet new people, love your professors, march to your own drummer, pursue your life's dream. College is the first step towards capturing that dream. This is where the good life begins.


Hey girl, this is future you, and well what i have to tell you is get your portfolio done sooner, and submit faster, also look more into housing at the schools.


People will tell you how important a college education is to you. It is very easy to say that a piece of paper stating you earned a degree does not prove much about what you know. People who are dishonest can often get the same piece of paper or degree. The proof of a person's knowledge should come from the person and not the degree. In theory this is all very true. Reality is a different story. As you grow older you will accumulate life experience and knowledge. This will help you in everyday life and as people get to know the person you have become. First, they need to give you the initial opportunity to prove yourself. Without that degree, you will often not be given the chance to show who you are and what you know. There will not be the initial respect, that you know you deserve. From the time I started my bachelor's degree until its completion will be 38 years. I am now gaining the respect from others and myself that I know I deserve. It may not be the answer, but it is a key inside the door.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to always follow my dreams and not worry about what job makes you the most money. Doing what you love is the most rewarding thing of all, you could make millions in another career being misrable; millions do not ensure happiness. I would al so tell myself to let go of all stress and negativity and focus only on the positive things in life. I would re-assure my self that spending time on projects is the most beneficial thing I could do for myself no matter how stressed out I may be. I would conclude by telling myself to keep my head up and stay foucused on my goal and never give up.


Apply for more scholarships and start saving money to help pay for college. Also, start to build my credit up in high school, so I can take out loans.


I would tell myself to not worry about all the little things, they don't matter, just be happy and have fun.