Lewis & Clark College Top Questions

Describe the students at Lewis & Clark College.


The majority of the students at Lewis & Clark College are liberal and very open to new ideas and people. Students are very friendly and easy to talk to as a prospective student.


At Lewis & Clark, classes consist of students from different backgrounds and interests, but all are engaged, open-minded and willing to learn something new.


Excited to learn about the ciriculum. Able to adjust to assignments. Ability to ask questions.


The student body is a friendly liberal bunch. I haven't found the cliquey qualities that other reviewers seem to take issue with. However like I said people aren't quite as enthusiastic about academics as I would have liked. Lewis and Clark boasts a large percentage of alumni who join the peace corp, which speaks to the mentality of many students here but not so great to the quality of job preparation. I think that's more due to the student body as opposed to the academics. I feel like most people would feel accepted here. As the amount of athletes is on the rise, so is the amount of conservatives, so they certainly exist here, although they are rarely verbal about their politics.


The predominant race here is caucasian, no question about that. However, L&C has an awesome international student program so the campus is sprinkled generously with students from all over the world-- from Japan to Norway. The student body however, is extremely clique-y. Even the dining hall has a feel of segregation to it; the "light" side (better lighting and closer to the food) has your typical sports fans and bros, the "dark" side has your art enthusiasts, the quiet ones, and the loners.


Classmates normally either fit in one of two categories: hippie or hipster.


They are a diverse group, fun and intelligent, lots of hippies and international students; a great group of people.


Smart, driven, friendly and fun people who care about one another.




Diverse, engaging, active and focused thinkers, push you to learn, demanding, friendly, helpful, willing to share their notes, form a study group or hang out with you on the weekends.