Lewis & Clark is best known for its alternative student body. There are many students classified as hippies and hipsters; as well as, athletes and your 'average joes.' This diverse student body gives us very unique in and out of the classroom experiences. This brings a variety of diverse activities and issues to campus, and makes Lewis & Clark the unique institution it has become.
Lewis & Clark is well known for its excellent Liberal Arts education. To be specific, the professors focus on giving their students a holistic education, while encouraging them to truly seek knowledge by doing work out in the community, instead of just learning theory in the classroom. The focus is on praxis: theory and practice combined. I also learned how many disciplines in academics are actually interdisciplinary. As an Anthropology major, I saw issues of Science, History, Religion, and Psychology implicated in my area of study. Overall, graduates of Lewis & Clark are well rounded learners and seekers of knowledge.
Its is best known for its diversely beautiful campus. Ranked amongst the 2nd most beautiful campus according to Princeton reviews and its most known overseas program. Additionally, pretty awesome hangout place all through out the campus and the best summer days you could ever find across the country. But when it comes to education, the school has the most known and best professors and a quite competitive student body. And rich blend of different cultures and the perfectly enhances life at Lewis and Clark and makes it a more memorable college experience.
Solid liberal arts curriclum
Small classes
Personal attention from professors
Seminar style discussion based classes
Strong international affairs, psychology and environmental studies departments
Liberal political affiliation
Lewis & Clark is known for being very liberal and very expensive. The education we get costs a lot more than a state school, but it's worth it--classes usually have about 20 students, there are lots of clubs that you are guaranteed to be able to participate in, and you get a lot of individual focus from professors. The majority of students are very open-minded when it comes to ethnic, religious, and political views, but many of have very similar ones so don't have much to compare to.
Impressive classes and progressiveness.
It was ranked the school most likely to ignore god on a regular basis, and is one of the top "reefer maddness" schools. Monica Lewisky also went here.
Lewis & Clark has a lot of hippies, but this is overshadowed a bit by Reed, across town. Lewis & Clark is environmentally conscious, politically active, comfortable, friendly, and has a beautiful campus. It is probably best known for the campus, but come for the campus, stay for the... drugs & politics!
weed, environment, godlessness