Lewis & Clark College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Lewis & Clark College? Why?


I would like to see more outdoor PE classes.


I wish the designated smoking areas were in more secluded locations so that I would not have to walk by them so frequently. Ideally I would like a smoke-free campus, but I know for now that is a far off dream that is difficult when so many college students smoke. I mainly worry about that the social locations of the DSA's cause students who did not smoke originally to pick up smoking because they see their friends doing it. They are also generally littered with cigarette butts, regardless of teh amount of trashcans. It detracts from the campus.


Lack of diversity because people then continue to be ignorant about different cultures


The walk uphill back to dorms because I am unfit! I am working on that though and one day, I will conquer that uphill walk without panting.


One of the few things I dislike about Lewis and Clark College is that they do not have a minor program for anthropology though they do have a major program. However, were I to major in anthropology, I would have a double major, limiting my time for volunteering and extracurricular activities as well as possibly preventing me from participating in a study abroad program. Nevertheless, I can still take the anthropology classes and be content simply with a strong anthropological background but no official recognition.


Students are required to live on campus for 2 years and to buy a very, very expensive meal plan. While the meals are good, I wouldn't say they are worth what you pay. And, incidentally, it costs MORE to get a meal plan with fewer meals.


The worst thing about my school is its lack of diversity.


Socially, the worst thing about Lewis and Clark is its lack of diversity. Academically I am disappointed by the limited off-campus internships available to students during their time as a student. It would be great if each student had a semester off that was dedicated to an internship in their major's feild.


The party scene. Trying to fit 100 people in a four bedroom house a bus-ride away from campus is just a bad idea.


The lack of a student oriented campus. There are few things for students to do on campus. The nearest grocery store is a half an hour walk. They say that they are student oriented but there are not really any places for students to hang out and have fun. Also there are some staff who are rude and not friendly towards students (not the professors). Also the cost of tuition.